Today many cancer sufferers search for alternatives to conventional chemotherapy, such as thymoquinone, an active component of Nigella sativa or black seed oil
Considering that the conventional treatment of advanced stage pancreatic cancer can result in as little as a 1% 5-year survival rate, new preclinical research on a liposomal turmeric extract that inhibits pancreatic tumor growth by 42% is all the more promising.
Over a quarter of a century ago a study was performed on the seeds of the Soursop fruit, also known as graviola, which at that time demonstrated such amazing cancer-fighting potential, that those exposed to it within the conventional medical community looked upon it with complete incredulity.
When it comes to cancer treatment, chemotherapy does more harm than good. There are other, non-toxic approaches that are worth exploring.
This quick overview of the science backs up the assertion that every cancer patient and every oncologist should put medical marijuana on their treatment maps
This highly pungent Japanese condiment contains compounds that strike to the very core of pancreatic cancer malignancy.
A disturbing trend has taken root in America. Mandating chemotherapy in children is equivalent to requiring parents to let others poison their children with chemicals that are themselves classified as carcinogenic. If a parent has not the authority to decide how or what their own child is treated, is the State or are medical institutions essentially laying claim to owning that child's body?
Millions of asymptomatic women undergo breast screening annually because their doctors tell them to do so. Not only are these women's presumably healthy breasts being exposed to highly carcinogenic x-rays, but thousands have received a diagnosis of 'breast cancer' for entirely benign lesions that when left untreated would have caused no harm to them whatsoever.
Could a potential treatment for advanced, chemotherapy and radiation resistant cancer have already been discovered as far back as 1967? Could this natural substance have been so close to us for all this time, as to be part of our own blood and a constituent of our own urine?
What if chemotherapy actually helped to spread cancer? Many within the medical and research communities are becoming emboldened to speak out against outdated and failed healing modalities still in use today.
Cancer patients are suffering from devastating side effects of chemotherapy, when antioxidants may be the answer
An important scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy.
Hippocrates - the father of medicine - said, "Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food." Medicines are a subset of foods, according to Hippocrates. I like that. What are medicines today? What are foods?
Failing to question the mutation theory of cancer is the underlying scientific reason the War on Cancer is not being won.
Breast cancer is one of the major killers of women in the United States. Sadly, most women have no idea that simply not wearing a bra can have a major impact on the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
Research confirms radiotherapy drives invasiveness within cancer, as well as the power of natural substances to strike to the heart of cancer malignancy.
A root cause and potential cure for cancer is largely ignored by many conventional oncologists despite an accumulating body of research that we may already have the answer.
Could bacteria and related microbes, widely believed to be a primary cause of disease, explain how we are capable of surviving through the self-created chemical nightmare of industrialized society?
Everyone talks about inflammation, but what is it really?
A new study finds vitamin D -- the 'sunlight vitamin' -- strikes to the very heart of breast cancer malignancy.
About one hundred times less toxic than chemotherapy, turmeric extract (curcumin) was found more effective at killing colorectal cancer stem cells from patients than a popular combination of conventional drugs.
Have we lost the war against cancer? With the failure of chemotherapy, is there another alternative to fighting cancer?
Conventional cancer treatments aren't working for women with breast cancer. Women are falling into a cancer industry machine only to be spit out at the other end, permanently damaged and still with no reasonable assurance of long-term survival.
Newly published research from the journal cancer indicates that conventional radiation-based cancer treatments may actually be driving the cancer into greater malignancy. Irradiated breast cancer cells were found to be 30 times more capable of forming new tumors than nonirradiated breast cancer cells.