The data show that masks serve more as instruments of obstruction of normal breathing, rather than as effective barriers to pathogens
A newly released meta-analysis on the use of face masks for reducing the transmission of viral respiratory infections within community settings shows the evidence for their effectiveness is equivocal at best.
A first-of-its-kind, literature review on the adverse effects of face masks titled, “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” reveals there are clear, scientifically demonstrable adverse effects for mask wearers, both on psychological, social and physical levels
A newly published meta-analysis and systematic review on mask-wearing confirms what commonsense dictates, namely, they do significant harm by interfereing with normal human breathing (O2 and CO2 gas exchange), and even more astounding, may be causing symptoms that are being misidentified as "Long Covid."
While multiple cities in the US roll-out mandatory use of masks in public, the WHO's 2020 guidance recommends against wearing masks in community settings because of a lack of supporting scientific evidence and the potential for increased disease transmission through improper use
There is little evidence to support mask-wearing and in an absence of knowledge, governments should not make policies that have a hypothetical potential to cause harm
California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health announced that everyone in the State of California should wear a face mask when they leave their home
When bacteria from your mouth enter your lungs, it's linked to advanced-stage lung cancer and tumor progression, a finding that raises serious questions about the long-term use of face masks, which could potentially accelerate this process. A retired pathologist also called for research into face masks' effects on nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora
With the advent of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a number of medical practices that have little or no scientific support as regards reducing the spread of this infection
Researchers believe the use of facemasks could lead to "impairments attributable to hypercapnia," which is a buildup of CO2 in the blood
Four Strikes Against Face Masks - and Why They're Risky Four science-backed hypotheses about face masks highlight their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death
Wearing a face mask may carry a steep physiological price, adversely impacting your health and well-being in these already extremely stressful times.