Frankly, there is a frightening coincidence glaring at us, right before our eyes. Obesity has become pandemic in the past 30 years, paralleling the use of genetic engineering, and increased pesticide use. More than 60% of Americans are overweight, and obesity has doubled in the past 20 years globally. Our intestines may be colonized with new microbes, making us very sick. Something is seriously wrong here and has not been seen before.
Policymakers could still block the agribiz mergers; peasants and farmers will continue the fight for seeds and rights.
Monsanto-funded research has been proliferating as uncontrollably as their genetically modified (GM) plants, and the bugs resistant to them, of late. Two studies have appeared in scientific journals in the past eight months, both funded by Monsanto, and both discrediting a Roundup herbicide-cancer link.
Despite intense protests from consumer groups and environmentalists, genetically modified organisms, (GMOs) foods have been dubbed as the 'human feeding experiment' and are continuing to be integrated into the food supply. Most of us do not even know the extent of it, as it is not in mainstream news.
Perhaps you've heard about Morgellons Disease, and by now you know about GM (genetically modified) food, but the link between the two, is possibly connected according to Professor Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario. Most people are aware that soybeans, canola, and corn are GM foods ubiquitous in our food chain. However, Sadly 75% of US food contains unlabeled GM ingredients.
Whoa! Did you see that? No one seems to notice yet that we're winning the battle against genetically modified foods!
Here's a partial lineup of hired guns and organizations behind the anti-labeling advertising blitz soon to hit the California airwaves.
What do a former mouthpiece for tobacco and big oil, a corporate-interest PR flack, and the regional director of a Monsanto-funded tort reform group have in common?
Does "organic" really mean "organic?" Or has the word "organic" been twisted to mean its opposite?
The harms caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination can be complex, severe, and exceedingly difficult to treat. However, a promising new study shows there is hope for those whom conventional medicine has failed.
We are creatures of habit. Lets face it. We buy our snacks in fancy packages, and enjoy the carefully engineered delicious food, without thinking about it. Perhaps it is time to start connecting some dots.
For the past 20 years, GMOs have been allowed to permeate our food supply, with government regulators & industry spreading the myth of their safety, despite the contrary evidence. Why should you care?
The US Food and Drug Admin. just approved a drug made from genetically modified carrots to treat Gaucher, a rare disease found mostly among Ashkenazi Jews. Out of a global population of 6.8 billion, an estimated range of 60-100,000 people carry the recessive gene for it, though not all are symptomatic.
In the course of analysis to identify potential allergens in GMO crops, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has belatedly discovered that the most common genetic regulatory sequence in commercial GMOs also encodes a significant fragment of a viral gene. This finding has serious ramifications for crop biotechnology and its regulation, but possibly even greater ones for consumers and farmers.
Peer-reviewed publication, which many hold to be the defining characteristic of science, has become a tool through which one vision, that of corporate science, has come to assert ultimate control.
If the purpose of the press is to be a public interest watchdog then the science media is a uniquely unsuccessful institution. This is nowhere truer than in its coverage of the ag-biotech industry.
Following news that China is ordering non-GM soy from Brazil, the non-GM soy producers of Brazil are gearing up to sell their crop to India as well. Soon all countries outside the GM-producing Americas will be sourcing non-GM soy. Except, that is, the UK, which is now stuck in a GM ghetto.
Unfortuantely schools throughout the country consider Chick-fil-A food "better fast food,"even allowing their mascot direct marketing access to children within schools. But a quick perusal of their famous Waffle Fries reveals that their food is as junky, GMO, and toxic as any other fast food brand.
In an unprecedented decision, India's National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), a government agency, declared legal action against Monsanto (and their collaborators) for accessing and using local eggplant varieties to develop their Bt genetically engineered version1 without prior approval of the competent authorities, which is considered an act of "biopiracy."
Europe proves that crop diversity and rotation – not GM – are the ways to combat the pest
GMO farming practices heavily dependent upon glyphosate herbicide formulations such as Roundup have serious, unintended adverse effects on human and environmental health. New research indicates glyphosate does not break down rapidly, as the manufacturer claimed, but is accumulating in the groundwater -the source for most of the world's drinking water.
What do GMOs and vaccines have in common? You may be surprised to learn how many overlapping issues they share, and why both technologies should be scrutinized far more closely.
Is Autism a disease of impaired detoxification? Does the accumulative toxic load from vaccinations, GMOs, and acetaminophen contribute to this impaired detoxification?
When food and gardening are treated as if they're nothing more than commodities, especially when control is placed in the hands of those whose sole interest is profits, then the people under such rule are living in total tyranny. That's exactly what the EU is in the process of doing: handing the most basic of food rights, access to seeds, over to Agribusiness.
An Indian high-profile parliamentary panel has recommended that GM crop "field trails under any garb should be discontinued forthwith," and that further GM agricultural research should "only be done under strict containment."