While the Disney measles outbreak is being blamed on the non-vaccinated, the evidence reveals a failing measles vaccine is behind the outbreak.
Vaccinating pregnant women "halves the risk of pertussis in infants' first four months" ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries
We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front row seat for this. We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front row seat for this.
Earlier this week, entertainer John Oliver discussed vaccines on his weekly HBO program Last Week with John Oliver. In doing so, he exposed viewers to several inaccuracies about vaccine safety, including those regarding the use and toxicity of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal.
Saying no to vaccines in the face of the gale wind of propaganda and governmentally supported vaccine campaigns is high treason punishable to the point of having your kids taken away if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $21 million towards developing a vaccine technology that uses a tattoo-like mechanism which injects invisible nanoparticles under the skin that is now being tested in a vaccine against the virus that causes COVID-19
Is there a relationship between the burgeoning epidemic of chronic diseases and the vaccine trials that took place decades ago? Is there a hidden truth that could change the way we treat these diseases?
Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), the newly formed nonprofit organization dedicated to safeguarding informed consent in vaccination, has announced open registration for its first-annual meeting and luncheon.
Every two years, for the past twenty years, a group of approximately 70 scientists have met at different locations around the world to discuss the effects that aluminum has had on living things.
A Collection of Recent Journal Articles Solidifying the Connections Between America’s Over-Vaccination Agenda and the Epidemics of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Autoimmune Disorders
More states are trying to pass legislation allowing children to consent to vaccines, a procedure that comes with a risk of injury and death. Attorney Phillips' legal analysis reveals multiple violations of state and federal laws found in New York's bill A497, which proposes to allow children to consent to vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases.
Vaccines are not safe or effective for everyone because we are not all the same and we do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products. Without knowing if the odds are in your favor, almost no medical condition qualifies for exemption.
Half of the U.S. adult population is simultaneously both against abortion and for a vaccine schedule that uses induced abortion derived fetal cells. How can such an extreme form of moral hypocrisy be maintained by millions without virtually any discussion?
A recent study finds the CDC may have covered up the clear and present danger associated with mercury in vaccines.
Could a safe, effective and inexpensive alternative to vaccination already exist?
Phenol is hazardous when comes into contact with the skin or eyes or is ingested or inhaled. The safety record of injected phenol is neither convincing nor comforting.
COVID-19 vaccines: A lifeline or a lethal risk? A recent systematic review exposes a disturbing trend, with 73.9% of autopsies indicating the vaccine played a significant role in fatalities.
Biotechnology itself has transformed polio into a far greater threat to human health than it ever was before we tried to eradicate it with vaccines.
Far too many are still swooned by false promises from people with initials like "Dr." and "CEO" in front of their names.
The Director of the CDC, Thomas Frieden, has sent a letter blocking CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, from testifying in a Tennessee court case involving a 16 year old boy who claims his autism is caused by vaccine injuries.
No journalist would have any difficulty finding dozens of distinguished skeptical scientists for the very few “rogue” scientists that the press has vilified.
Vaccine researchers have suggested delaying breastfeeding to "improve" vaccine efficacy.
Cruelty toward babies starts at birth. It really starts before birth but that is another tale. Many parents have heard horror stories, and have serious doubts about vaccinating. Even that first injection of vitamin K is not without risk and danger. This article is for parents in the situation where they are forced into a corner for one of many reasons and feel like they have to vaccinate their children.
The Japanese are regarded as some of the healthiest, longest living people on Earth. Is it a coincidence they also happen to be cautious regarding vaccines?