A Collection of Recent Journal Articles Solidifying the Connections Between America’s Over-Vaccination Agenda and the Epidemics of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Autoimmune Disorders
This brilliant analysis gets to the heart of one of the major problems with vaccination: injecting biological agents derived from other species into healthy children can result in serious, if not life-threatening adverse, unintended health effects.
Vaccine researchers have suggested delaying breastfeeding to "improve" vaccine efficacy.
The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called the Immunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. [1] This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations.
Environmental and humanitarian legend RFK, Jr., mainstream media, and the very corrupt CDC. Interview by Autism File executive editor, Rita Shreffler
The federal government and the CDC keep trying to push the Zika vaccine narrative onto us in an attempt to convince us that their role in our lives is not only beneficial, but necessary. Now, it looks like they want to use that narrative to grab even more power.
No journalist would have any difficulty finding dozens of distinguished skeptical scientists for the very few “rogue” scientists that the press has vilified.
Something is very wrong when the press so willingly shuts its collective eyes to the worst charge of medical corruption and fraud in our history.
Congressman Bill Posey's demands for transparency in the CDC regarding vaccine safety and autism reveals huge conflicts of interest.
The Japanese are regarded as some of the healthiest, longest living people on Earth. Is it a coincidence they also happen to be cautious regarding vaccines?
10 ways the pro-vaxxers shut down reasonable debate on vaccines.
A recent news story described a newborn being taken away from her mother shortly after birth because of the mother's refusal to accept a Hepatitis B vaccine. In my law practice, I also hear stories from time to time about newborns being vaccinated in the hospital after birth without the parents' permission and against the parents' wishes. Most of the time, these kind of problems are avoidable with a information about your rights and some common sense preparation.
Public discussion and documents reveal that the FDA knows that rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccines may cause a wide range of life-threatening side effects, including death.
Lead, chromium, nickel and other metals linked to brain damage and IQ deficits were detected in every adjuvant sample tested by the vaccine industry, study confirms Italian research
In a disturbing turn of events, Big Pharma pushes to hijack informed consent by removing side effects from direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.
Every two years, for the past twenty years, a group of approximately 70 scientists have met at different locations around the world to discuss the effects that aluminum has had on living things.
Health freedom and the civil liberties of Americans are at risk with yet another CDC-proposed public health law, paired with an expanding global vaccine market.
A recent paper published in the November 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, "Contagious Diseases in the United States from 1988 to the Present," is the first of what will inevitably turn into a flurry of future studies to persuade legislators and the public that vaccination should be mandatory for assuring the health of the nation.
Vaccines can and do disable and kill healthy people. When billions of people take them, year upon year, even remote risks translate into huge numbers.
The Director of the CDC, Thomas Frieden, has sent a letter blocking CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, from testifying in a Tennessee court case involving a 16 year old boy who claims his autism is caused by vaccine injuries.
While the Polio Global Eradication Initiative (PGEI), founded in 1988, declares itself successful in nearly eradicating wild-type polio in nations like India, vaccine-induced polio paralysis cases far outnumber those the vaccines were intended to prevent. It is believed that vaccines produce at least 300% more cases of polio than those existing in the wild, indicating that a natural problem has been transformed into a manmade one.
Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it's not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by measles and vaccination. It may come down to sugar.
The voices behind the victims of vaccine injury are becoming harder and harder for the establishment to ignore as the evidence mounts ever higher.
Unless we challenge policies refusing religious vaccine exemptions, we will lose our rights as citizens. Take action now.