State legislators can pass any law they want to, whether it's Constitutional or not. In recent years, states have been passing laws that allow children to consent to vaccines, despite this being blatantly unconstitutional. We must take steps to reverse this severe erosion or our fundamental rights.
Vaccine safety has not been tested for growing fetuses, potentially risking the lives of millions of unborn babies.
The mainstream media is doing their best to minimize a devastating study showing a high correlation (7.7-fold) between flu vaccines and miscarriages. A review of the scientific literature shows a body of evidence that supports the new study’s conclusions. Why can’t we all just deal with the facts?
Like the power morcellator used to break up uterine fibroids in the '90s, could vaccines be lacking proper research and causing more harm than good?
The NEVER-retracted vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study that revealed significantly higher odds in risks of chronic illness among vaccinated children is back online. But will Retraction Watch admit it launched the attack to discredit it? Will Snopes fact-check itself? If not, why not?
A Collection of Recent Journal Articles Solidifying the Connections Between America’s Over-Vaccination Agenda and the Epidemics of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Autoimmune Disorders
Around the world, parents, grandparents and caregivers are protesting in anger against the dangerous vaccinations they believe are killing their children.
Revolutionary research illuminates that a new frontier of personalized medicine lies in
the virome. Rather than harbingers of disease, viruses are intrinsic to immune modulation and
to disease susceptibility.
Four studies spanning 25 years prove vaccinated children are at greater risk of serious illness and neurological disorders than their non-vaccinated peers.
The evidence against vaccine safety and effectiveness is massive. Here is a 300+ page research download of National Library of Medicine abstracts showing there are over 200 adverse effects of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, including death.
Far too many are still swooned by false promises from people with initials like "Dr." and "CEO" in front of their names.
Startling research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction
Vaccine researchers have suggested delaying breastfeeding to "improve" vaccine efficacy.
The oft-parroted sound bite – "we need herd immunity"- implies that if ninety five percent of the population can become "immune" to a disease via vaccination, target immunity levels will be met and diseases will either be eradicated or controlled. This sound bite is the most commonly pulled weapon used by the vaccinators, only second to "smallpox and polio were eradicated by vaccination."
Congressman Bill Posey's demands for transparency in the CDC regarding vaccine safety and autism reveals huge conflicts of interest.
Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators.
A TWITTER FILES bombshell just dropped revealing how a foreign, dark money group targeting the free speech of US citizens was indirectly funded by the US government, military, and taxpayers themselves. Moreover, this vast Censorship Enterprise called for the suppression of true stories and content related to injuries from the experimental mRNA jabs.
With almost no vaccine exceptions, the trifecta of government, industry, and organized medicine want every child vaccinated. To achieve total compliance, they're controlling the conversation and taking away our rights
Could a safe, effective and inexpensive alternative to vaccination already exist?
In case you’ve been living in an underground grotto, the proposed Bill (CA2109) would require parents to get an MD’s signature to allow parents to sign the vaccine exemption form, a form which has been in use for the past century in California. Does that sound bizarre? The MD signature is required before the citizens can sign their own name.
Parents who exercise a vaccine exemption for their children are often ridiculed for putting their own children and others at risk. However, legally and medically, unvaccinated children do not pose a significant health risk to themselves or anyone else. Alternative vaccine views support this assertion, but the reasoning in this article comes straight from mainstream vaccine beliefs, accepted medical practice and current law
The Premiere of “Man Made Epidemic” on Saturday 25th of June in London was a huge success.
One of the primary pro-vaccine arguments is that vaccines can prevent cancer by preventing viral infections. But do viruses truly cause cancer and, if so, could the vaccines, rather than being preventative, be the cause?
The people of Italy are currently facing an unprecedented assault on their health choice and informed consent.