What if vaccines have never been soundly confirmed to be safe and effective? What if the CDC, vaccine manufacturers and advocates knew of these discrepancies and contradictions, yet intentionally ignored them against the public interests?
The people of Italy are currently facing an unprecedented assault on their health choice and informed consent.
The mainstream media is doing their best to minimize a devastating study showing a high correlation (7.7-fold) between flu vaccines and miscarriages. A review of the scientific literature shows a body of evidence that supports the new study’s conclusions. Why can’t we all just deal with the facts?
Two bills, forcing HPV vaccines on children, have been filed in the state of Florida. Your help is needed to oppose these bills and stop forced vaccination.
Can you call yourself a feminist If you don't support a woman's right to make healthcare decisions for her child?
We often hear that correlation is not causation, so why are world renowned scientists treating the Zika virus as the sole cause of microcephaly in Brazil when there are so many other factors?
Phenol is hazardous when comes into contact with the skin or eyes or is ingested or inhaled. The safety record of injected phenol is neither convincing nor comforting.
Environmental and humanitarian legend RFK, Jr., mainstream media, and the very corrupt CDC. Interview by Autism File executive editor, Rita Shreffler
The study that found a link between MMR and Autism is just one more piece of evidence that points to a pattern and practice of deceit, delay and denial.
NACCHO? It sounds like a bad acronym from an Austin Powers movie. It is actually one of the most powerful anti-vaccine choice front groups in the country, whose primary funder is the CDC.
Obstetricians and primary care physicians throughout the world will no-doubt be lauding the result of one publication, “Neonatal outcomes after influenza immunization during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial,” which can be downloaded free at the time of this publication HERE, and the abstract can be viewed HERE. This study will be cited by doctors, advisory panels, and pharmaceutical drug reps. as they work to increase vaccination rates and sales using pregnant mothers as receptacles
Currently, suboptimal breastfeeding is associated with over a million deaths each year and 10% of the global disease burden in children. So why is the CDC aggressively fixated on vaccination instead of breastfeeding?
Major supermarkets are deceiving us in one of the worst ways possible - by deliberately boycotting products that can reverse the damage caused by continuous exposure to toxic aluminum.
The federal government and the CDC keep trying to push the Zika vaccine narrative onto us in an attempt to convince us that their role in our lives is not only beneficial, but necessary. Now, it looks like they want to use that narrative to grab even more power.
A Collection of Recent Journal Articles Solidifying the Connections Between America’s Over-Vaccination Agenda and the Epidemics of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Autoimmune Disorders
Do you know what's in a vaccine? Will the active, inert and hidden ingredients in a vaccine make you question if you want vaccines in your body?
Every two years, for the past twenty years, a group of approximately 70 scientists have met at different locations around the world to discuss the effects that aluminum has had on living things.
New York's A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B vaccines, without the knowledge and consent of their parents. Regardless of your position on vaccines, these bills set a disturbing precedent in violation of the U.S. Constitution—child consent to medical treatment.
The pro-Pharma mainstream media would like everyone to believe that doctors and “scientists” all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, but these 3 different doctors summarize the "other side" of the story about vaccines.
Was State Farm "like a good neighbor" when it dropped Rob Schneider because of his views that parents have the right to decide what's in the best interests of their children when it comes to vaccinations?
The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation has been pouring millions of dollars into projects aimed at supporting the health of folks in developing countries. But where is all the money actually going? Developing water purification systems? Nutritional support aimed at immune optimization? Providing shelter and medical facilities for the homeless? Not even close.
The Premiere of “Man Made Epidemic” on Saturday 25th of June in London was a huge success.
The truth is that the GMO and vaccine agendas are the same; only, activists appear to think there is a difference.
The oft-parroted sound bite – "we need herd immunity"- implies that if ninety five percent of the population can become "immune" to a disease via vaccination, target immunity levels will be met and diseases will either be eradicated or controlled. This sound bite is the most commonly pulled weapon used by the vaccinators, only second to "smallpox and polio were eradicated by vaccination."