NACCHO? It sounds like a bad acronym from an Austin Powers movie. It is actually one of the most powerful anti-vaccine choice front groups in the country, whose primary funder is the CDC.
There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media.
It is no exaggeration to suggest that African children whose lives have been destroyed by a vaccine—given for a disease that isn’t a concern to them—were used as lab rats by the Gates Foundation, PATH, UNICEF, and WHO. Their existence proves the vaccine is extremely dangerous. Nonetheless, it was hailed as a success.
Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children.
Everything you have ever been told about the power of polio vaccines to eradicate polio worldwide could be dead wrong...
The event this morning will focus on the announcement of a unique challenge: to find a missing piece of research associated with mercury, a neurotoxin that is 100 times more poisonous than lead. There’s a substantial cash award involved, the details of which will be revealed.
Japan Has Become Ground Zero Where The HPV Vaccine Debacle Is Unfolding In Public View
Scientists reveal how a hyperactivated immune system can unleash disease,
Revolutionary research illuminates that a new frontier of personalized medicine lies in
the virome. Rather than harbingers of disease, viruses are intrinsic to immune modulation and
to disease susceptibility.
Despite a 100% vaccination rate, a Texas school closes early for winter break due to a whooping cough outbreak. Clearly the vaccine is failing to work as advertised.
Vaccinating pregnant women "halves the risk of pertussis in infants' first four months" ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries
Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators.
Some vaccines have been shown to be more harmful, even lethal, than the diseases they are used to "prevent." Recently, attenuated yellow fever vaccine was found to be 5 times more likely to harm, and 12 times more likely to kill, than the natural yellow fever infections that only rarely occur in the wild.
Is there a relationship between the burgeoning epidemic of chronic diseases and the vaccine trials that took place decades ago? Is there a hidden truth that could change the way we treat these diseases?
The voices behind the victims of vaccine injury are becoming harder and harder for the establishment to ignore as the evidence mounts ever higher.
COVID-19 vaccines: A lifeline or a lethal risk? A recent systematic review exposes a disturbing trend, with 73.9% of autopsies indicating the vaccine played a significant role in fatalities.
Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it's not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by measles and vaccination. It may come down to sugar.
A recent study finds the CDC may have covered up the clear and present danger associated with mercury in vaccines.
Vaccine researchers have suggested delaying breastfeeding to "improve" vaccine efficacy.
Earlier this week, entertainer John Oliver discussed vaccines on his weekly HBO program Last Week with John Oliver. In doing so, he exposed viewers to several inaccuracies about vaccine safety, including those regarding the use and toxicity of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal.
The mainstream medical industry has pulled the wool over the public's eyes for years, but their plans are unraveling as natural, safe medicines become more widely known and accepted.
The National Vaccine Information Center's Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.
Saying no to vaccines in the face of the gale wind of propaganda and governmentally supported vaccine campaigns is high treason punishable to the point of having your kids taken away if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Phenol is hazardous when comes into contact with the skin or eyes or is ingested or inhaled. The safety record of injected phenol is neither convincing nor comforting.