Robert F Kennedy Jr. vows to change government policies that injure children.
A recent paper published in the November 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, "Contagious Diseases in the United States from 1988 to the Present," is the first of what will inevitably turn into a flurry of future studies to persuade legislators and the public that vaccination should be mandatory for assuring the health of the nation.
There are 130 official ways for an infant to die (as categorized in the ICD), and one unofficial way for an infant to die: following an adverse reaction to one or more vaccines.
We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front row seat for this. We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front row seat for this.
The mainstream media is doing their best to minimize a devastating study showing a high correlation (7.7-fold) between flu vaccines and miscarriages. A review of the scientific literature shows a body of evidence that supports the new study’s conclusions. Why can’t we all just deal with the facts?
Despite a 100% vaccination rate, a Texas school closes early for winter break due to a whooping cough outbreak. Clearly the vaccine is failing to work as advertised.
Clinton has never been one to shy away from big corporate money to serve as the lifeblood of her campaign momentum. Despite Clinton's proclamation that she's proud to call the pharmaceutical industry her enemy, her campaign has led the pack receiving the most pharmaceutical, corporate and individual contributions.
Headlines were recently made announcing that the French government plans to make 11 vaccines compulsory for children, adding to the three-shot combination already mandatory (diphtheria, tetanus, and polio). Under the new jurisdiction, parents would be forced to follow the vaccination schedule.
Unless we challenge policies refusing religious vaccine exemptions, we will lose our rights as citizens. Take action now.
Cover-ups and lies: Vaccine injury has been a serious problem since the very beginning.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) once again advised pregnant women to curb consumption of fish in order to limit fetal exposures to neurotoxic mercury. This warning raises the baffling query: How can the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) justify its recommendations that pregnant women get flu shots which are laden with far more mercury than what's found in a can of tuna?
The Japanese are regarded as some of the healthiest, longest living people on Earth. Is it a coincidence they also happen to be cautious regarding vaccines?
On Jan. 10th, 2010, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, administering bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) to two infants at the Mahabodhi Temple Complex in the Indian state of Bihar, Buddhism's holiest site – the very place where Guatama Buddha was said to have attained enlightenment approximately 2500 years earlier.
The evidence continues to mount. That vaccines are doing a great deal of harm is well beyond denying. Worse, though, the evidence that vaccines have had little or no effect on infectious diseases is clear, as documented in graphs. The precautionary principle, which is enshrined in a UN directive, should have been implemented before vaccines were ever routinely injected
The mainstream medical industry has pulled the wool over the public's eyes for years, but their plans are unraveling as natural, safe medicines become more widely known and accepted.
While there is much information on the dangers of vaccines, there is precious little on how to be healed from them.
Cruelty toward babies starts at birth. It really starts before birth but that is another tale. Many parents have heard horror stories, and have serious doubts about vaccinating. Even that first injection of vitamin K is not without risk and danger. This article is for parents in the situation where they are forced into a corner for one of many reasons and feel like they have to vaccinate their children.
State legislators can pass any law they want to, whether it's Constitutional or not. In recent years, states have been passing laws that allow children to consent to vaccines, despite this being blatantly unconstitutional. We must take steps to reverse this severe erosion or our fundamental rights.
One of the primary pro-vaccine arguments is that vaccines can prevent cancer by preventing viral infections. But do viruses truly cause cancer and, if so, could the vaccines, rather than being preventative, be the cause?
Ten years ago, science assumed that immunity was in the body, not the brain, which was thought to have "immune privilege". Everything we once thought is true is now undergoing radical revision with profound implications to human health, particularly the role of vaccines.
The oft-parroted sound bite – "we need herd immunity"- implies that if ninety five percent of the population can become "immune" to a disease via vaccination, target immunity levels will be met and diseases will either be eradicated or controlled. This sound bite is the most commonly pulled weapon used by the vaccinators, only second to "smallpox and polio were eradicated by vaccination."
In case you’ve been living in an underground grotto, the proposed Bill (CA2109) would require parents to get an MD’s signature to allow parents to sign the vaccine exemption form, a form which has been in use for the past century in California. Does that sound bizarre? The MD signature is required before the citizens can sign their own name.
There is undeniable proof that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been violating basic human rights and using low income countries for vaccine experiments for years. With such high disregard for human life, how many ethical lines have to be crossed before the WHO is finally investigated?
Startling research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction