Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it's not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by measles and vaccination. It may come down to sugar.
New York's A343[1] and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B vaccines, without the knowledge and consent of their parents. Regardless of your position on vaccines, these bills set a disturbing precedent in violation of the U.S. Constitution—child consent to medical treatment.
What data regarding autism did the CDC cover up about the MMR shots given to black males in Atlanta younger than 36 months?
Obstetricians and primary care physicians throughout the world will no-doubt be lauding the result of one publication, “Neonatal outcomes after influenza immunization during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial,” which can be downloaded free at the time of this publication HERE, and the abstract can be viewed HERE. This study will be cited by doctors, advisory panels, and pharmaceutical drug reps. as they work to increase vaccination rates and sales using pregnant mothers as receptacles
Ten years ago, science assumed that immunity was in the body, not the brain, which was thought to have "immune privilege". Everything we once thought is true is now undergoing radical revision with profound implications to human health, particularly the role of vaccines.
The pro-Pharma mainstream media would like everyone to believe that doctors and “scientists” all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, but these 3 different doctors summarize the "other side" of the story about vaccines.
The mainstream medical industry has pulled the wool over the public's eyes for years, but their plans are unraveling as natural, safe medicines become more widely known and accepted.
One of the primary pro-vaccine arguments is that vaccines can prevent cancer by preventing viral infections. But do viruses truly cause cancer and, if so, could the vaccines, rather than being preventative, be the cause?
Like the power morcellator used to break up uterine fibroids in the '90s, could vaccines be lacking proper research and causing more harm than good?
The NEVER-retracted vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study that revealed significantly higher odds in risks of chronic illness among vaccinated children is back online. But will Retraction Watch admit it launched the attack to discredit it? Will Snopes fact-check itself? If not, why not?
Cruelty toward babies starts at birth. It really starts before birth but that is another tale. Many parents have heard horror stories, and have serious doubts about vaccinating. Even that first injection of vitamin K is not without risk and danger. This article is for parents in the situation where they are forced into a corner for one of many reasons and feel like they have to vaccinate their children.
The National Vaccine Information Center's Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.
In a disturbing turn of events, Big Pharma pushes to hijack informed consent by removing side effects from direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.
Let's use our frontal lobes to revisit rhetoric we have been forced to accept, to examine the evidence base disproving the very premise of vaccination, and which offends our Paleo sensibilities.
A TWITTER FILES bombshell just dropped revealing how a foreign, dark money group targeting the free speech of US citizens was indirectly funded by the US government, military, and taxpayers themselves. Moreover, this vast Censorship Enterprise called for the suppression of true stories and content related to injuries from the experimental mRNA jabs.
Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no scientific...
Every so often, information circulates around the alternative vaccine community recommending that parents take a form to their child's pediatrician and ask the doctor to sign it, to prevent their children from being vaccinated and to educate the doctor about vaccines. Typically, these forms list vaccine ingredients and ask the doctor to assume liability for any adverse events that the vaccines the doctor administers may cause.
Vaccinating pregnant women "halves the risk of pertussis in infants' first four months" ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries
Currently, suboptimal breastfeeding is associated with over a million deaths each year and 10% of the global disease burden in children. So why is the CDC aggressively fixated on vaccination instead of breastfeeding?
The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk?
The ever-present narrative that vaccines are perfectly safe is falling apart after testing shows that many childhood vaccines contain the dangerous known carcinogen glyphosate.
On a popular online deal today, I saw vitamin infused 'chocolate candy'. These delicious candied morsels are infused with probiotics, calcium, and vitamin D3, then covered in creamy milk chocolate. Sounds good? Maybe a bit like yogurt with probiotics? Are these getting us psychologically ready for 'special' future medical food, without a 'need’ for vaccines?
Clinton has never been one to shy away from big corporate money to serve as the lifeblood of her campaign momentum. Despite Clinton's proclamation that she's proud to call the pharmaceutical industry her enemy, her campaign has led the pack receiving the most pharmaceutical, corporate and individual contributions.
The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called the Immunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. [1] This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations.