The National Vaccine Information Center's Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda that seeks to require more vaccines for more people while further restricting our right to refuse them.
Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no scientific...
In a disturbing turn of events, Big Pharma pushes to hijack informed consent by removing side effects from direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.
One of the primary pro-vaccine arguments is that vaccines can prevent cancer by preventing viral infections. But do viruses truly cause cancer and, if so, could the vaccines, rather than being preventative, be the cause?
For those paying attention, there are serious concerns to our current vaccination schedule in America. In a previous post I gave 8 of those that I felt were important enough for me to not vaccinate my daughter. In this article we look at 8 more reasons. Do any of these resonate with you?
The FDA's approval of the new Gardasil vaccine, containing double the aluminum of the previous one, represents a heinous violation of the public interest.
In September 2011, SaneVax Inc. informed the FDA that despite all Merck's statements claiming Gardasil contained 'no viral DNA,' Dr. Sin Hang Lee had discovered there were indeed fragments of HPV-11, HPV-16 and HPV-18 L1 DNA firmly attached to Merck's proprietary aluminum adjuvant in 100% of the samples his laboratory tested.
What amounts to a mass experiment on children is being hailed as "philanthropy" as India allows thousands to be vaccinated by an organization with financial ties to the Gates Foundation.
The evidence against vaccine safety and effectiveness is massive. Here is a 300+ page research download of National Library of Medicine abstracts showing there are over 200 adverse effects of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, including death.
Vaccines have been linked to hundreds of diseases including autism. Now, thanks to emerging science, we can add depression to the laundry list of issues vaccines can contribute to causing.
If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
Piece by piece the foundation and historical legacy of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is fast approaching the reality anticipated by former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturers Merck when he stated in 2014, “I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times…”
Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine.
A new study by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reveals that, despite increasing uptake of human papillomavirus (HVP) vaccines, cancers caused by HPV rose in the past decade.
There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines.
Are HPV vaccines a viable option in your personal war against cancer? It is very difficult to make an informed choice about Gardasil or Cervarix when you receive only part of the available information. The time has come to take a critical look at the facts behind recent HPV vaccine news reports.
Scientists claim the XMRV is nothing to worry about. Perhaps you agree. Now is the time to take a look at the evidence presented by these scientists who declare there is no relationship between XMRV and disease. You may want to reconsider.
New awareness of the microbiome is driving the vaccine industry to factor microbes in vaccine response. But the industry is ignoring the microbiome as factor in adverse events.
Health freedom and the civil liberties of Americans are at risk with yet another CDC-proposed public health law, paired with an expanding global vaccine market.
A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines.
Health freedom is once again under attack in Florida and 28 other states as a tidal wave of legislation aims to coerce and/or mandate an increasing number of vaccines, as well as eliminate privacy rights around your family's vaccine status
The harms caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination can be complex, severe, and exceedingly difficult to treat. However, a promising new study shows there is hope for those whom conventional medicine has failed.
GreenMedInfo is honored to welcome Dr. Judy Mikovits to the team as she continues her search for absolute truth within the scientific community. As a true scientist, Dr. Mikovits believes it is her duty to seek truth at any cost, and we gladly stand by her side.
Could the connection between retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, or autism be the scientific story of the century?