Flu vaccines, according to the best scientific evidence available today, will only work against 10% of the circulating viruses that cause the symptoms of seasonal epidemic influenza. So, do the theoretical benefits really outweigh the known harms?
A Newsweek propaganda piece absurdly lies that vaccination entails no health risks -- and that anyone who knows better has no "faith in science"
Vaccinating pregnant women "halves the risk of pertussis in infants' first four months" ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries
While there is much information on the dangers of vaccines, there is precious little on how to be healed from them.
“The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child.” -Rob Schneider
Is there a relationship between the burgeoning epidemic of chronic diseases and the vaccine trials that took place decades ago? Is there a hidden truth that could change the way we treat these diseases?
Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no scientific...
GreenMedInfo is honored to welcome Dr. Judy Mikovits to the team as she continues her search for absolute truth within the scientific community. As a true scientist, Dr. Mikovits believes it is her duty to seek truth at any cost, and we gladly stand by her side.
Scientists claim the XMRV is nothing to worry about. Perhaps you agree. Now is the time to take a look at the evidence presented by these scientists who declare there is no relationship between XMRV and disease. You may want to reconsider.
There is undeniable proof that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been violating basic human rights and using low income countries for vaccine experiments for years. With such high disregard for human life, how many ethical lines have to be crossed before the WHO is finally investigated?
"Vaccines are driving many diseases of Westerners from autoimmunity and autism to allergy and arthritis. Why so? What is the history of this volte face?"
The campaign to blame unvaccinated kids and their parents for the recent whooping cough outbreaks is in high gear. It is time to take a close look at the published, peer-reviewed medical literature to unearth the reality behind the myth.
The evidence against vaccine safety and effectiveness is massive. Here is a 300+ page research download of National Library of Medicine abstracts showing there are over 200 adverse effects of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, including death.
For those paying attention, there are serious concerns to our current vaccination schedule in America. In a previous post I gave 8 of those that I felt were important enough for me to not vaccinate my daughter. In this article we look at 8 more reasons. Do any of these resonate with you?
Half of the U.S. adult population is simultaneously both against abortion and for a vaccine schedule that uses induced abortion derived fetal cells. How can such an extreme form of moral hypocrisy be maintained by millions without virtually any discussion?
A newly published article written by a former WHO vaccine committee member, has revealed that estimates for pertussis vaccine efficacy have been greatly inflated because of inaccurate case definitions adopted by the WHO in 1991 which required laboratory confirmation and 21 days or more of paroxysmal cough, excluding and therefore concealing a veritable submerged iceberg of vaccine-resistant cases of pertussis infection.
The medical establishment got it all wrong: it is not vaccine-exempt children who endanger us all, it is the effects of prolonged mass-vaccination campaigns that have done so.
Last year I wrote a document entitled "The Vitamin C treatment of Whooping Cough" in order to meet the needs of parents who seek treatment that is safe and effective. I have first hand experience of its effectiveness and there is old literature to suggest that even low doses of Vitamin C help reduce the severity and duration of the cough.
If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
Just this week, the New York Times published an article stating that the problem of surging whooping cough cases has more to do with flaws in the current vaccines than with parents' resistance. Could the truth about vaccines be going mainstream?
The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at risk?
New awareness of the microbiome is driving the vaccine industry to factor microbes in vaccine response. But the industry is ignoring the microbiome as factor in adverse events.
Could the connection between retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, or autism be the scientific story of the century?
Vaccine safety has not been tested for growing fetuses, potentially risking the lives of millions of unborn babies.