Aloe suppresses proliferation of gastric cancer cells. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Suppression of C-myc expression associates with anti-proliferation of aloe-emodin on gastric cancer cells.
Cancer Invest. 2008 May;26(4):369-74. PMID: 18443957
Aloe-emodin is a hydroxyanthraquinone found in Aloe vera, as well as in leaves and roots of other plants. The mechanisms of its anticancer effect are largely unknown. The present study investigated its molecular mechanisms. Crystal violet assay showed that aloe-emodin had a long-term anti-proliferation effect on human gastric cancer MGC-803 and SGC-7901 cells. Scratch wound-healing motility assays indicated its anti-migration effect. Aloe-emodin arrested SGC-7901 cells at G2/M phase. More importantly, aloe-emodin inhibited the expressions of protein kinase C and c-myc. In conclusion, the anticancer effect of aloe-emodin on gastric cancer cells involves suppression of c-myc expression.