Abstract Title:

Vaginal Candidiasis Infection Treated Using Apple Cider Vinegar: A Case Report.

Abstract Source:

Altern Ther Health Med. 2017 Nov 7. Epub 2017 Nov 7. PMID: 29112940

Abstract Author(s):

Betul Ozen, Muruvvet Baser

Article Affiliation:

Betul Ozen


A 32-y-old married woman was admitted with intense vaginal discharge with foul odor, itching, groin pain, and infertility for the past 5 y. Candida albicans was isolated from the culture of vaginal swab. The patient was diagnosed with chronic vaginal candida infection. She failed to respond to integrative medicine methods prescribed. Recovery was achieved with the application of apple cider vinegar. Alternative treatment methods can be employed in patients unresponsive to medical therapies. As being one of these methods, application of apple cider vinegar can cure vaginal candida infection.

Study Type : Human: Case Report

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