Abstract Title:

Prophylactic effect of a Beta vulgaris extract on experimental influenza infection in mice.

Abstract Source:

Virologie. 1986 Apr-Jun;37(2):121-3. PMID: 3727395

Abstract Author(s):

E Prahoveanu, V Eşanu, G Anton, S Frunzulică


An aqueous Beta vulgaris extract was repeatedly administered to mice by intranasal (i.n.) instillation, prior to i.n. inoculation of influenza virus A/PR/8/34 (H1N1). The extract conferred a partial protection against the experimental influenza infection: there was a significant decrease in the hemagglutination titers recorded in mouse lung homogenates, a decrease in mortality rate and an increase in the mean survival time as compared with the untreated, virus-inoculated controls.

Study Type : Animal Study

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