CBD could be beneficial for the treatment of brain tumor-related epilepsy. - GreenMedInfo Summary
The use of cannabidiol for seizure management in patients with brain tumor-related epilepsy.
Neurocase. 2017 Oct 24:1-5. Epub 2017 Oct 24. PMID: 29063814
Paula Province Warren
Epilepsy, commonly encountered by patients with brain tumors, is often refractory to standard therapies. Our aim was to examine the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical grade cannabidiol (CBD; Epidiolex, GW Pharmaceuticals) in those patients with epilepsy with concomitant tumors enrolled in The University of Alabama at Birmingham CBD Program (NCT02700412 and NCT02695537). Of the three patients with refractory seizures and a history of a primary brain tumor, two had improvement in seizure frequency and all three had improvement in seizure severity. These pilot results suggest that CBD should be further studied for the treatment of brain tumor-related epilepsy.