Abstract Title:

Effects of microalgae Chlorella species crude extracts on intestinal adaptation in experimental short bowel syndrome.

Abstract Source:

World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Jul 28;14(28):4512-7. PMID: 18680231

Abstract Author(s):

Mustafa Kerem, Bulent Salman, Hatice Pasaoglu, Abdulkadir Bedirli, Murat Alper, Hikmet Katircioglu, Tahir Atici, E Ferda Percin, Ebru Ofluoglu


AIM: To evaluate the effects of chlorella crude extract (CCE) on intestinal adaptation in rats subjected to short bowel syndrome (SBS). METHODS: Wistar rats weighing 230-260 g were used in the study. After anesthesia a 75% small bowel resection was performed. Rats were randomized and divided into groups. Control group (n = 10): where 5% dextrose was given through a gastrostomy tube, Enteral nutrition (EN) group (n = 10): Isocaloric and isonitrogen EN (Alitraq, Abbott, USA), study group (n = 10): CCE was administrated through a gastrostomy tube. Rats were sacrificed on the fifteenth postoperative day and blood and tissue samples were taken. Histopathologic evaluation, intestinal mucosal protein and DNA levels, intestinal proliferation and apoptosis were determined in intestinal tissues, and total protein, albumin and citrulline levels in blood were studied. RESULTS: In rats receiving CCE, villus lengthening, crypt depth, mucosal DNA and protein levels, intestinal proliferation, and serum citrulline, protein and albumin levels were found to be significantly higher than those in control group. Apoptosis in CCE treated rats was significantly reduced when compared to EN group rats. CONCLUSION: CCE has beneficial effects on intestinal adaptation in experimental SBS.

Study Type : Animal Study

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