Abstract Title:

Citrus juice modulates bone strength in male senescent rat model of osteoporosis.

Abstract Source:

Nutrition. 2006 May;22(5):559-63. Epub 2006 Feb 10. PMID: 16472977

Abstract Author(s):

Farzad Deyhim, Kristy Garica, Erica Lopez, Julia Gonzalez, Sumiyo Ino, Michelle Garcia, Bhimanagouda S Patil

Article Affiliation:

Department of Human Sciences, Texas A&M University-Kingville, Kingsville, Texas, USA. [email protected]


OBJECTIVE: An experiment evaluated the effect of citrus juice on enhancing serum antioxidant status and on osteoporosis prevention in orchidectomized rats. METHODS: Thirty-six 1-y-old male rats were randomized to two groups: a sham-control group (n = 9) and an orchidectomized group (n = 27). The orchidectomized group was divided into three groups of nine and assigned to one of the following treatments: orchidectomy, orchidectomy plus orange juice, and orchidectomy plus grapefruit juice. Sixty days after initiation of the study, all rats were killed, blood was collected, and serum was harvested for total antioxidant status and indices of bone formation and resorption. Femoral density and biomechanical properties were monitored. RESULTS: Orchidectomy decreased (P<0.05) total antioxidant capacity, femoral density, and biomechanical properties and increased (P<0.05) alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and urinary excretion of hydroxyproline compared with the sham-control group. In contrast to orchidectomy, orchidectomy plus orange juice and orchidectomy plus grapefruit juice reversed (P<0.05) orchidectomy-induced antioxidant suppression, decreased (P<0.05) alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase activities, moderately restored (P = 0.07) femoral density, increased (P<0.05) femoral strength, significantly delayed time-induced femoral fracture, and decreased (P<0.05) urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. CONCLUSION: The present study supports the supposition in that drinking citrus juice positively affects serum antioxidant status and bone strength.

Study Type : Animal Study
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Pharmacological Actions : Antioxidants : CK(34418) : AC(14437)

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