Dietary red palm oil improves functional recovery in heart muscle following ischemic trauma. - GreenMedInfo Summary
The effect of dietary red palm oil on the functional recovery of the ischaemic/reperfused isolated rat heart: the involvement of the PI3-kinase signaling pathway.
Lipids Health Dis. 2009;8:18. Epub 2009 May 29. PMID: 19480681
Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. [email protected]
We have previously shown that dietary red palm oil (RPO) supplementation improves functional recovery in hearts subjected to ischaemia/reperfusion-induced injury. Unfortunately, the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon are still poorly understood and no knowledge exists regarding the effects of RPO supplementation on the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K) signaling pathway and apoptosis during ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, the aims of the present study were three fold: (i) to establish the effect of RPO on the functional recovery of the heart after ischaemia/reperfuion injury; (ii) to determine the effect of the PI3-K pathway in RPO-induced protection with the aid of an inhibitor (wortmannin); and (iii) to evaluate apoptosis in our model. Wistar rats were fed a standard rat chow control diet or a control diet plus 7 g RPO/kg for six weeks. Hearts were excised and mounted on a Langendorff perfusion apparatus. Mechanical function was measured after a 25 min period of total global ischaemia followed by 30 minutes of reperfusion. Hearts subjected to the same conditions were freeze-clamped for biochemical analysis at 10 min during reperfusion to determine the involvement of the PI3-Kinase signaling pathway and apoptosis in our model. Dietary RPO supplementation significantly increased % rate pressure product recovery during reperfusion (71.0 +/- 6.3% in control vs 92.36 +/- 4.489% in RPO; p<0.05). The % rate pressure product recovery was significantly reduced when wortmannin was added during perfusion (92.36 +/- 4.489% in the RPO group vs 75.21 +/- 5.26% in RPO + Wm). RPO + Wm also significantly attenuated PI3-K induction compared with the RPO group (59.2 +/- 2.8 pixels in RPO vs 37.9 +/- 3.4 pixels in RPO + Wm). We have also demonstrated that PI3-K inhibition induced PARP cleavage (marker of apoptosis) in the hearts during ischaemia/reperfusion injury and that RPO supplementation counteracted this effect.