Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Effects of Montmorency Tart Cherry and Blueberry Juice on Cardiometabolic and Other Health-Related Outcomes: A Three-Arm Placebo Randomized Controlled Trial.

Abstract Source:

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 04 27 ;19(9). Epub 2022 Apr 27. PMID: 35564709

Abstract Author(s):

Jonathan Sinclair, Lindsay Bottoms, Stephanie Dillon, Robert Allan, Gareth Shadwell, Bobbie Butters

Article Affiliation:

Jonathan Sinclair


The current study aimed to investigate the influence of tart cherry and blueberry juices on cardiometabolic and other health indices following a 20-day supplementation period. Forty-five adults were randomly assigned to receive tart cherry, blueberry, or a placebo, of which they drank 60 mL per day for 20 days. The primary outcome, which was systolic blood pressure, and secondary measures, including anthropometric, energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, hematological, diastolic blood pressure/resting heart rate, psychological wellbeing, and sleep efficacy, were measured before and after the intervention. There were no statistically significant differences (> 0.05) for systolic blood pressure; however, total and LDL cholesterol were significantly improved with blueberry intake (pre: total cholesterol = 4.36 mmol/L and LDL cholesterol = 2.71 mmol/L; post: total cholesterol = 3.79 mmol/L and LDL cholesterol = 2.23 mmol/L) compared to placebo (pre: total cholesterol = 4.01 mmol/L and LDL cholesterol = 2.45 mmol/L; post: total cholesterol = 4.34 mmol/L and LDL cholesterol = 2.67 mmol/L). Furthermore, psychological wellbeing indices measured using the Beck Depression Inventory, State Trait Anxiety Inventory, and COOP WONCA improved statistically in the blueberry arm compared to placebo. Given the clear association between lipid concentrations and the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as the importance of psychological wellbeing to health-related quality of life, this investigation indicates that it could be an effective approach to assist in managing cardiometabolic disease.

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