Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Effects of, and as Food Additives on Metabolic Disorders, a Literature Review.

Abstract Source:

Front Pharmacol. 2021 ;12:762182. Epub 2021 Nov 17. PMID: 34867384

Abstract Author(s):

Akbar Anaeigoudari, Hamidreza Safari, Mohammad Reza Khazdair

Article Affiliation:

Akbar Anaeigoudari


Metabolic disorders (MD) can disturb intracellular metabolic processes. A metabolic disorder can be resulted from enzyme deficits or disturbances in function of various organs including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, cardiovascular system, and endocrine system. Some herbs were used traditionally for spices, food additives, dietary, and medicinal purposes. Medicinal plants possess biological active compounds that enhance human health. We aimed to provide evidence about therapeutic effects of some medicinal herbs on MD.PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar were explored for publications linked to MD until February 2021. The most literature reports that were published in the last 10 years were used. All types of studies such as animal studies, clinical trials, andstudies were included. The keywords included "Metabolic disorders," "L.," "Thymoquinone," "White tea"OR "L." "catechin," and "L." OR "garlic" were searched.Based on the results of scientific studies, the considered medicinal plants and their active components in this review have been able to exert the beneficial therapeutic effects on obesity, diabetes mellitus and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.These effects are obvious by inhibition of lipid peroxidation, suppression of inflammatory reactions, adjustment of lipid profile, reduction of adipogenesis and regulation of blood glucose level.

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