Abstract Title:

[Multicenter randomized double-blind drug vs. placebo study of the treatment of tinnitus with Ginkgo biloba extract].

Abstract Source:

Presse Med. 1986 Sep 25;15(31):1562-4. PMID: 2947100

Abstract Author(s):

B Meyer


This important multicenter study of 103 tinnitus out-patients during a 13-month treatment period was carried out by ten E.N.T. specialists, using the double blind, drug versus placebo method. The results were conclusive as regards the effectiveness of Ginkgo biloba extract and made it possible to determine the prognostic value of different parameters. Of special importance among these parameters were site and periodicity of the disease. However, the Ginkgo biloba extract treatment improved the condition of all the tinnitus patients, irrespective of the prognostic factor.

Study Type : Human Study
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