Hydrogen peroxide inhibit proliferation and induces programmed cell death in a mouse lymphoma cell line. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Modulatory effect of hydrogen peroxide on tumoral lymphocytes proliferation.
Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2009;31(1):130-9. PMID: 19951073
BW 5147 (murine lymphoma cell line). We analyzed the effect of H2O2 in cell proliferation testing nitric oxide and apoptosis. Enzymes involved in the regulation of H2O2 levels as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (PER) were analyzed. H2O2 exerted a biphasic effect. The inhibitory effect of H2O2 was related to the activation of the ERK and P38 pathway, NO production and apoptosis. The high proliferation was associated with a low level of H2O2 related to a low SOD and a high PER activities. Drugs capable of producing an increase in H2O2 levels could be used in cancer.