IGF-1 in rBGH milk is a potential risk factor for both breast and gastrointestinal cancers. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Unlabeled milk from cows treated with biosynthetic growth hormones: a case of regulatory abdication.
Int J Health Serv. 1996;26(1):173-85. PMID: 8932606
School of Public Health West, University of Illinois, Chicago 60612, USA.
Levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are substantially elevated and more bioactive in the milk of cows hyperstimulated with the biosynthetic bovine growth hormones rBGH, and are further increased by pasteurization. IGF-1 is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, as evidenced by marked growth-promoting effects even in short-term tests in mature rats, and absorption is likely to be still higher in infants. Converging lines of evidence incriminate IGF-1 in rBGH milk as a potential risk factor for both breast and gastrointestinal cancers.