Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Interaction effect of green tea consumption and resistance training on office and ambulatory cardiovascular parameters in women with high-normal/stage 1 hypertension.

Abstract Source:

J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2021 Jan 24. Epub 2021 Jan 24. PMID: 33491287

Abstract Author(s):

Behzad Taati, Hamid Arazi, Jalal Kheirkhah

Article Affiliation:

Behzad Taati


This study aimed to investigate the chronic effects of green tea (GT) extract and resistance training (RT) on ambulatory and office blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and rate-pressure product (RPP) in a sample of Iranian women with high-normal/stage 1 hypertension. Forty-four middle-aged sedentary women participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. They were randomly assigned to one of four groups: GT and RT (GR, n = 11), RT (n = 10), GT (n = 10), or control (n = 13). Three weeks of GT consumption were followed by six weeks of the interaction with RT. GR and RT groups performed two circuits of RT at %50 of 1RM two days per week. RT and control groups also received placebo (maltodextrin) with the sametiming. The changes of each variable from baseline to post-intervention were compared between the groups using the ANOVA test, and effect size (ES) statistic was also calculated. In comparison with the control group, significant reductions were found for office systolic BP (SBP, 8%, ES = 1.22), and 24 h-SBP (5%, ES = 1.2) in the RT group. However, GR group showed significant decreases in office SBP (10.5%, ES = 1.45), mean BP (8%, ES = 1.11), RPP (13%, ES = 1.47), 24 h-SBP (5%, ES = 1.21), and 24 h-RPP (10%, ES = 1.15). The interaction of regular RT and GT consumption seems to induce more beneficial effects on some important parameters including MBP and RPP when compared to RT or GT alone.

Study Type : Human Study

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