Abstract Title:

Deglycyrrhizinized liquorice in the treatment of chronic duodenal ulcer. A retrospective endoscopic survey of 32 patients.

Abstract Source:

Practitioner. 1975 Dec;215(1290):787-92. PMID: 772652

Abstract Author(s):

W Larkworthy, P F Holgate


Endoscopic examination in 32 cases of chronic duodenal ulceration treated with deglycyrrhizinized liquorice tablets showed that healing of the ulceration had occurred and in the majority the mucosa appeared normal. For optimum effect it appears to be important that the preparation in adequate dosage should be well chewed and swallowed on an empty stomach in the ambulant patient.

Study Type : Human Study
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Pharmacological Actions : Anti-Ulcer Agents : CK(943) : AC(297)

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