Abstract Title:

Pilot study of the efficacy and safety of a modified-release magnesium 250 mg tablet (Sincromag) for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

Abstract Source:

Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Dec;103(12):2972-6. PMID: 17177579

Abstract Author(s):

S Quaranta, M A Buscaglia, M G Meroni, E Colombo, S Cella


BACKGROUND: Magnesium deficiency has been implicated as a possible contributing factor to some symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and several studies have reported a lower intracellular magnesium concentration in women with PMS. Thus, it has been suggested that magnesium supplementation may improve certain symptoms in women with PMS. OBJECTIVE: This open-label study assessed the efficacy and safety of a patented modified-release magnesium 250 mg tablet for improving symptoms in women affected by PMS. METHODS: After a 3-month observational period, women aged 18-45 years with a regular menstrual cycle (from 25-35 days) who were affected by PMS (determined by a score of>or =25 points on a PMS questionnaire) [n = 41] were given the modified-release magnesium tablet over three menstrual cycles, beginning 20 days after the start of their last menstrual period and continuing until the start of their next menstrual period. RESULTS: PMS symptoms improved during magnesium treatment. After 3 months, the mean total PMS score (primary endpoint), as assessed by the investigator using Moos' Modified Menstrual Distress Questionnaire, was significantly lower than before therapy (p<0.0001). During the same period, the mean PMS scores, as recorded in patients' diaries (secondary efficacy variables), also showed significant improvements (p<0.0001 for all subscales). The relative decreases in total PMS scores, as assessed by investigator and patient, were 35.1% and 33.5%, respectively. The magnesium tablet was well tolerated, with vertigo the only treatment-related adverse event reported (one patient). CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that modified-release magnesium was effective in reducing premenstrual symptoms in women with PMS in this preliminary study.

Study Type : Human Study

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