Abstract Title:

The nurses' role in the prevention of Solanum infection: dealing with a zombie epidemic.

Abstract Source:

J Clin Nurs. 2012 Jun ;21(11-12):1606-13. Epub 2011 Dec 28. PMID: 22211862

Abstract Author(s):

David Stanley

Article Affiliation:

Author: David Stanley, MSc, RN, RM, Associate Professor, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia.


Aims.  To outline the background and nursing interventions for Solanum infection in the event of a zombie epidemic. Background.  Literature and feature film evidence supports the theoretical probability for an outbreak of a Solanum infection which could result in a zombie epidemic. This paper discusses the causative agent, history of zombiism, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and nursing interventions. Design.  Review. Methods.  Academic and general literature and web sites were searched up to February 2011 for the key words, 'zombie', 'zombie nurses', 'zombie epidemic' and 'zombie nursing interventions'. Limited academic literature was sourced pointing to a serious knowledge deficit in this area. Results.  If nurses are to respond successfully to a potential Solanum epidemic they need to be prepared and able to recognise Solanum infection, prevent its spread and care appropriately forsufferers and victims of a zombie attack. Advice is offered on prevention, initial nursing management and secondary nursing interventions including dealing with reanimation, palliative care and psychological support. Conclusion.  History offers numerous examples of the sudden appearance of a serious disease that has impacted on man kind's survival. While difficult to conceive, a zombie epidemic is theoretically possible and nurses have a responsibility to be as prepared as possible to support and care for victims. Relevance to clinical practice.  Nurses are likely to be the front line staff faced with initiating most primary and secondary care interventions, including isolation and infection control, wound care, pain relief, documentation observations, support for activities of daily living, nutrition and fluid support, medication administration and other interventions.

Study Type : Review
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