Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Protective Role of Lycopene in Subjects with Liver Disease: NUTRIHEP Study.

Abstract Source:

Nutrients. 2024 Feb 18 ;16(4). Epub 2024 Feb 18. PMID: 38398886

Abstract Author(s):

Rossella Donghia, Angelo Campanella, Caterina Bonfiglio, Francesco Cuccaro, Rossella Tatoli, Gianluigi Giannelli

Article Affiliation:

Rossella Donghia


BACKGROUND: Liver diseases are constantly increasing throughout the world and are often associated with other diseases, but above all they are caused by improper diet. Adherence to a diet with abundant vegetables has now been widely demonstrated to be important in combating this pathological condition. The aim of this study was to explore the protective role of lycopene (LYC) extracts from cooked and fresh tomato.

METHODS: The study cohort included 969 participants assessed in the NUTRIHEP cohort (2005-2006) and the associated follow-up (2014-2016), divided into two groups, based on liver condition: NAFLD, or AFLD and FLD.

RESULTS: The results indicated a statistical significance of LYC consumption, showing a protective role against liver disease, the best concentration being 9.50 mg/die, with an RR value of 0.59,= 0.01, 0.39 to 0.90 at 95% C.I., and RRR = 0.40,= 0.002, 0.22 to 0.71 at 95% C.I.

CONCLUSIONS: The protective role of LYC extracts from tomato has not been amply demonstrated in humans. We conclude that this is one of the few papers in the literature to evaluate the protective effect of LYC against liver disease, as well as how this molecule could be used in future possible treatments. Utilizing lycopene as a supplement alone or in combination with other foods could be useful for developing treatments with reduced contraindications.

Study Type : Human Study
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Pharmacological Actions : Antioxidants : CK(34012) : AC(14225)

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