Abstract Title:

A one-year survey on the use of a powder from Rosa canina lito in acute exacerbations of chronic pain.

Abstract Source:

Phytother Res. 2008 Sep;22(9):1141-8. PMID: 18729248

Abstract Author(s):

C Chrubasik, L Wiesner, A Black, U Müller-Ladner, S Chrubasik


This pilot surveillance included 152 patients with acute exacerbations of chronic pain, 124 (Back group) with non-specific low back pain (NSLBP), 20 with NSLBP overridden by osteoarthritic pain (Knee-Hip group), and eight with specific LBP (included in the safety analysis). Patients were recommended the rose hip and seed powder Litozin at a dose providing up to 3 mg of galactolipid/day for up to 54 weeks. Clinical symptoms and well-being were assessed every 6 weeks. The patients also kept a diary of their pain and the requirement for rescue medication. Data were analysed by intention to treat with last observation carried forward. Only 77 patients completed the year of surveillance. Multivariate analysis suggested an appreciable overall improvement during the surveillance, irrespective of group, and this was reflected for most of the individual measures in repeated measures ANOVA. The degree and time-course of improvement echoed that seen in similar surveillances of patients receiving an aqueous extract of Harpagophytum. Multiple regression analyses indicated that percentage changes from baseline tended to be greater in patients with greater degrees of pain and disability, but were otherwise largely unrelated to the patients' characteristics. There were no serious adverse events. The rose hip and seed powder, Litozin, seems to deserve further, more definitive studies as a possible option in long-term management of NSLBP with or without osteoarthritic pain.

Study Type : Human Study

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