Abstract Title:

HR, 0-(beta-hydroxyethyl)-rutosides; (Venoruton): rapid relief of signs/symptoms in chronic venous insufficiency and microangiopathy: a prospective, controlled study.

Abstract Source:

Angiology. 2005 Mar-Apr;56(2):165-72. PMID: 15793606

Abstract Author(s):

M R Cesarone, G Belcaro, L Pellegrini, A Ledda, G Vinciguerra, A Ricci, G Gizzi, E Ippolito, F Fano, M Dugall, G Acerbi, M Cacchio, A Di Renzo, S Stuard, M Corsi


Full Citation: "The aim of this independent study was to demonstrate the rapidity of the clinical action of HR 0-(beta-hydroxyethyl)-rutosides, Venoruton (Novartis Consumer Health) in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Two groups of patients with venous hypertension and microangiopathy were treated with HR (1 or 2 g/day, for 8 weeks). Twelve patients (age 56.4; range 44-66; M:F = 6:6) were included in group 1 (1 g/day) (moderate CVI and microangiopathy); 10 patients (age 57.4; range 42-67; M:F = 5:5) in group 2 (2 g/day) with more severe CVI and microangiopathy. Average ambulatory venous pressure (AVP) was 58.6 (range 50-65) with a refilling time (RT) shorter than 10 seconds. There were no significant differences in AVP and RT between the 2 groups, but the duration of the disease was longer in group 2: 3.5 years (SD 2.0) in group 1 and 6.4 years (SD 3.3) in group 2. All included subjects completed the study and no dropouts were observed. In both dose groups there was a progressive decrease in laser Doppler resting flux (RF), indicating improvement in microangiopathy and a significant decrease in capillary filtration (RAS) associated with a significant improvement in analogue scale line score (ASLS) and edema. Although the effect in the 2 g dose group was more rapid on the microcirculatory parameters with a significant effect on RF and RAS after 4 days (effect of 1 g per day after 8 days and 6 days, respectively), there was no difference in the time to onset of a significant clinical improvement (ie, the ASLS and the edema score): 4 days in both groups. Venous microangiopathy and edema were improved by the treatment with HR within a few days. The effects were visible with both dosages, in both severity groups."

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