Schizophrenics may have pineal gland calcifications which contain flouride. - GreenMedInfo Summary
[Human epiphyseal concrements in schizophrenia].
Arkh Patol. 2004 Jul-Aug;66(4):13-6. PMID: 15449681
The epiphysis is a gland containing firm extracellular bodies (brain sand) the number of which increases with age. Microscopy and roentgen microtomography showed that in some cases of schizophrenia the amount of brain sand decreases. In parallel, cytoplasm of pinealocytes appears to contain concrements of a new type--irregular hollow spheres of 0.1-1.5 microm in size. They may contain fluoride. Typical hydroxyapatite retaining organic stroma may dissolve starting from the center both in health and schizophrenia.