Abstract Title:

Scopoletin alleviates high glucose-induced toxicity in human renal proximal tubular cells via inhibition of oxidative damage, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and fibrogenesis.

Abstract Source:

Mol Biol Rep. 2024 May 6 ;51(1):620. Epub 2024 May 6. PMID: 38709349

Abstract Author(s):

Sourav Kundu, Sitara Ghosh, Bidya Dhar Sahu

Article Affiliation:

Sourav Kundu


BACKGROUND: Recent years of evidence suggest the crucial role of renal tubular cells in developing diabetic kidney disease. Scopoletin (SCOP) is a plant-based coumarin with numerous biological activities. This study aimed to determine the effect of SCOP on renal tubular cells in developing diabetic kidney disease and to elucidate mechanisms.

METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study, SCOP was evaluated in vitro using renal proximal tubular (HK-2) cells under hyperglycemic conditions to understand its mechanism of action. In HK-2 cells, SCOP alleviated the high glucose-generated reactive oxygen species (ROS), restored the levels of reduced glutathione, and decreased lipid peroxidation. High glucose-induced alteration in the mitochondrial membrane potential was markedly restored in the SCOP-treated cells. Moreover, SCOP significantly reduced the high glucose-induced apoptotic cell population in the Annexin V-FITC flow cytometry study. Furthermore, high glucose markedly elevated the mRNA expression of fibrotic and extracellular matrix (ECM) components, namely, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, alfa-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen I, and collagen III, in HK-2 cells compared to the untreated cells. SCOP treatment reduced these mRNA expressions compared to the high glucose-treated cells. Collagen I and TGF-βprotein levels were also significantly reduced in the SCOP-treated cells. Further findings in HK-2 cells revealed that SCOP interfered with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the high glucose-treated HK-2 cells by normalizing E-cadherin and downregulating the vimentin andα-SMA proteins.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, SCOP modulates the high glucose-generated renal tubular cell oxidative damage and accumulation of ECM components and may be a promising molecule against diabetic nephropathy.

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