Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Tai chi chuan exercise for patients with breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Abstract Source:

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015 ;2015:535237. Epub 2015 Feb 22. PMID: 25793000

Abstract Author(s):

Yuanqing Pan, Kehu Yang, Xiue Shi, Haiqian Liang, Fengwa Zhang, Qingfang Lv

Article Affiliation:

Yuanqing Pan


Objective. Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) is a form of aerobic exercise that may be an effective therapy for improving psychosomatic capacity among breast cancer survivors. This meta-analysis analyzed the available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effects of TCC in relieving treatment-related side effects and quality of life in women with breast cancer. Methods. RCTs were searched in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library through April 2014. Data were analyzed on pathology (pain, interleukin-6, and insulin-like growth factor 1), physical capacity (handgrip, limb physical fitness, and BMI), and well-being (physical, social, emotional, and general quality of life). Results. Nine RCTs, including a total of 322 breast cancer patients, were examined. Compared with control therapies, the pooled results suggested that TCC showed significant effects in improving handgrip dynamometer strength, limb elbow flexion (elbow extension, abduction, and horizontal adduction). No significant differences were observed in pain, interleukin-6, insulin-like growth factor, BMI, physical well-being, social or emotional well-being, or general health-related quality of life. Conclusion. The short-term effects of TCC may have potential benefits in upper limb functional mobility in patients with breast cancer. Additional randomized controlled trials with longer follow-up are needed to provide more reliable evidence.

Study Type : Meta Analysis, Review
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Therapeutic Actions : Tai Chi : CK(2304) : AC(198)

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