Abstract Title:

Clinical and biochemical effects of coenzyme Q(10), vitamin E, and selenium supplementation to psoriasis patients.

Abstract Source:

Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Oct;50(10):1951-8. PMID: 19041224

Abstract Author(s):

Zaira Kharaeva, Elena Gostova, Chiara De Luca, Desanka Raskovic, Liudmila Korkina


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical effects of supplementation with antioxidants to patients with severe erythrodermic (EP) and arthropathic (PsA) forms of psoriasis. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients were hospitalized, treated by conventional protocols, and randomly assigned to four groups. Groups EP1 and PsA1 were supplemented with coenzyme Q(10) (ubiquinone acetate, 50 mg/d), vitamin E (natural alpha-tocopherol, 50 mg/d), and selenium (aspartate salt, 48 mug/d) dissolved in soy lecithin for 30-35 d. Groups EP2 and PsA2 (placebo) received soy lecithin. Clinical conditions were assessed by severity parameters. Markers of oxidative stress included superoxide production, copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase, and catalase activities in the circulating granulocytes, in the affected epidermis, and plasma levels of nitrites/nitrates. RESULTS: At baseline patients had an increased superoxide release from granulocytes (10.0 +/- 0.5, 2.9 +/- 0.2, and 1.5 +/- 0.1 nmol/L per 10(6) cells/h for EP, PsA, and donors, respectively), increased copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in granulocytes in EP patients and decreased in PsA patients, decreased activity of copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase (0.3 +/- 0.0, 1.8 +/- 0.1, and 2.2 +/- 0.2 U/mg protein for EP, PsA, and donors, respectively), and altered activity of catalase in psoriatic epidermis. Plasma levels of nitrites/nitrates were greater than normal in psoriatic patients. Supplementation resulted in significant improvement of clinical conditions, which corresponded to the faster versus placebo normalization of the oxidative stress markers. CONCLUSION: Supplementation with antioxidants coenzyme Q(10), vitamin E, and selenium could be feasible for the management of patients with severe forms of psoriasis.

Study Type : Human Study

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