Abstract Title:

Topical omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for treatment of dry eye.

Abstract Source:

Arch Ophthalmol. 2008 Feb;126(2):219-25. PMID: 18268213

Abstract Author(s):

Saadia Rashid, Yiping Jin, Tatiana Ecoiffier, Stefano Barabino, Debra A Schaumberg, M Reza Dana


OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy of topical application of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA) for dry eye treatment. METHODS: Formulations containing ALA, LA, combined ALA and LA, or vehicle alone, were applied to dry eyes induced in mice. Corneal fluorescein staining and the number and maturation of corneal CD11b(+) cells were determined by a masked observer in the different treatment groups. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to quantify expression of inflammatory cytokines in the cornea and conjunctiva. RESULTS: Dry eye induction significantly increased corneal fluorescein staining; CD11b(+) cell number and major histocompatibility complex Class II expression; corneal IL-1alpha and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) expression; and conjunctival IL-1alpha, TNF-alpha, interferon gamma, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-10 expression. Treatment with ALA significantly decreased corneal fluorescein staining compared with both vehicle and untreated controls. Additionally, ALA treatment was associated with a significant decrease in CD11b(+) cell number, expression of corneal IL-1alpha and TNF-alpha, and conjunctival TNF-alpha. CONCLUSIONS: Topical ALA treatment led to a significant decrease in dry eye signs and inflammatory changes at both cellular and molecular levels. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Topical application of ALA omega-3 fatty acid may be a novel therapy to treat the clinical signs and inflammatory changes accompanying dry eye syndrome.

Study Type : Animal Study

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