Abstract Title:

[Effectiveness of Saiko-Keishi-To (TJ-10, a Kampo herbal medicine) for trigeminal neuralgia in rats].

Abstract Source:

Masui. 2001 May;50(5):486-90. PMID: 11424461

Abstract Author(s):

M Sunagawa, M Okada, S Y Guo, T Hisamitsu


It is known that Saiko-Keishi-To (TJ-10), a Kampo herbal medicine used for the treatment of epilepsy, shows a satisfactory curative effect even in the patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. To verify the effectiveness of TJ-10, Wistar rats with chronic neuralgia of the mandibular nerve were prepared and TJ-10 was administered to them for 4 weeks following the manifestation of pain in the mandibular region. The result reveals that the rise in the pain threshold in the mandibular region is more significant in the rats administered TJ-10 than in those in the control group. However, in the tail flick test, no significant change was observed in the pain threshold. These findings suggest that TJ-10 is effective for controlling the manifestation of pain in ligatured nerves, by local effect, not by general analgesic effect.

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