Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Vitamin C Deficiency in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Forgotten Micronutrient.

Abstract Source:

Crohns Colitis 360. 2021 Jan ;3(1):otab009. Epub 2021 Feb 23. PMID: 34222863

Abstract Author(s):

Katie A Dunleavy, Ryan C Ungaro, Laura Manning, Stephanie Gold, Joshua Novak, Jean-Frederic Colombel

Article Affiliation:

Katie A Dunleavy


Background: Micronutrient deficiencies are common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To date, the literature has focused on vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron deficiencies.

Methods: We report a case series of 20 patients with IBD and vitamin C deficiency treated at a single tertiary care center.

Results: Sixteen (80%) patients had symptoms of clinical scurvy, including arthralgia, dry brittle hair, pigmented rash, gingivitis, easy bruising, and/or brittle nails. Eighteen patients underwent a nutritional assessment, 10 (56%) patients reported complete avoidance of fruits and vegetables, and 3 (17%) reported reduced intake of fruits and vegetables.

Conclusions: Vitamin C deficiency should be considered in IBD patients, particularly those with reduced fruit/vegetable intake, as it can lead to significant signs and symptoms.

Study Type : Human Study

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