Abstract Title:

The effect of wasabi rhizome extract on atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in HR-1 hairless mice.

Abstract Source:

J Prev Med Public Health. 2009 Mar;42(2):96-103. PMID: 19436148

Abstract Author(s):

Masashi Nagai, Isao Okunishi


We investigated the effect of wasabi rhizome extract on atopic dermatitis (AD) model mice. The wasabi extract was fed to the HR-1 hairless mice, which develop AD-like symptoms with a special diet (HR-AD diet). The extract was expected to reduce the symptoms induced. Wasabi rhizome-containing HR-AD diet (5% and 10%) reduced the scratching behavior, and the 10% wasabi rhizome HR-AD diet significantly reduced scratching behavior on days 28, 35 and 42. Plasma components (histamine, eotaxin, IgE and thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC)) were decreased in the 10% wasabi rhizome HR-AD diet. In histopathological examinations (toluidine blue (T.B.), major basic protein (MBP), CD4, IL-4, IL-5, eotaxin, TARC and IgE), the wasabi rhizome-containing HR-AD diet (5% and 10%) significantly reduced the number of positive stained cells. These results suggested that the wasabi rhizome extract improved the AD-like symptoms of HR-1 hairless mice.

Study Type : Animal Study

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