Abstract Title:

Weak estrogenic transcriptional activities of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S.

Abstract Source:

Toxicol In Vitro. 2012 Aug ;26(5):727-31. Epub 2012 Apr 5. PMID: 22507746

Abstract Author(s):

Elise Grignard, Silvia Lapenna, Susanne Bremer

Article Affiliation:

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, EURL ECVAM (European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing), Via E. Fermi 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy.


In 2011, the European Commission has restricted the use of Bisphenol A in plastic infant feeding bottles. In a response to this restriction, Bisphenol S is now often used as a component of plastic substitutes for the production of babybottles. One of the major concerns leading to the restriction of Bisphenol A was its weak estrogenic activity. By using two highly standardised transactivation assays, we could demonstrate that the estrogenic activity of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S is of a comparable potency. Furthermore, some insights about the structure-activity relationships of these two chemicals and their metabolites could be gained from in silico predictions of their relative estrogen receptor-binding affinities and their liver phase-I biotransformation.

Study Type : In Vitro Study

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