Abstract Title:

Wheat gluten as a pathogenic factor in schizophrenia.

Abstract Source:

Science. 1976 Jan 30;191(4225):401-2. PMID: 1246624

Abstract Author(s):

M M Singh, S R Kay


Schizophrenics maintained on a cereal grain-free and milk-free diet and receiving optimal treatment with neuropleptics showed an interruption or reversal of their therapeutic progress during a period of "blind" wheat gluten challenge. The exacerbation of the disease process was not due to variations in neuroleptic doses. After termination of the gluten challenge, the course of improvement was reinstated. The observed effects seemed to be due to a primary schizophrenia-promoting effect of wheat gluten.

Study Type : Human Study
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Problem Substances : Gluten : CK(1100) : AC(170)

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