Abstract Title:

Role of yoga in modifying certain cardiovascular functions in type 2 diabetic patients.

Abstract Source:

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2002 Jun;26(5):855-60. PMID: 15636309

Abstract Author(s):

Savita Singh, V Malhotra, K P Singh, S V Madhu, O P Tandon


OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the effect of forty days of Yogic exercises on cardiac functions in Type 2 Diabetics. 2. To study the effect of forty days of Yogic exercises on blood glucose level, glycosylated hemoglobin. METHODS: The present study done in twenty-four Type 2 DM cases provides metabolic and clinical evidence of improvement in glycaemic control and autonomic functions. These middle-aged subjects were type II diabetics on antihyperglycaemic and dietary regimen. Their baseline fasting and postprandial blood glucose and glycosylated Hb were monitored along with autonomic function studies. The expert gave these patients training in yoga asanas and they pursued those 30-40 min/day for 40 days under guidance. These asanas consisted of 13 well known postures, done in a sequence. After 40 days of yoga asanas regimen, the parameters were repeated. RESULTS: The results indicate that there was significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels from basal 190.08 +/- 18.54 in mg/dl to 141.5 +/- 16.3 in mg/dl after yoga regimen. The post prandial blood glucose levels decreased from 276.54 +/- 20.62 in mg/dl to 201.75 +/- 21.24 in mg/dl, glycosylated hemoglobin showed a decrease from 9.03 +/- 0.29% to 7.83 +/- 0.53% after yoga regimen. The pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly (from 86.45 +/- 2.0 to 77.65 +/- 2.5 pulse/min, from 142.0 +/- 3.9 to 126.0 +/- 3.2 mm of Hg and from 86.7 +/- 2.5 mm of Hg to 75.5 +/- 2.1 mm of Hg after yoga regimen respectively). Corrected QT interval (QTc) decreased from 0.42 +/- 0.0 to 0.40 +/- 0.0. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that better glycaemic control and stable autonomic functions can be obtained in Type 2 DM cases with yoga asanas and pranayama. The exact mechanism as to how these postures and controlled breathing interact with somato-neuro-endocrine mechanism affecting metabolic and autonomic functions remains to be worked out.

Study Type : Human Study

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