Article Publish Status: FREE
Abstract Title:

Zinc Nutrition and Inflammation in the Aging Retina.

Abstract Source:

Mol Nutr Food Res. 2019 08 ;63(15):e1801049. Epub 2019 Jun 27. PMID: 31148351

Abstract Author(s):

Rosie Gilbert, Tunde Peto, Imre Lengyel, Eszter Emri

Article Affiliation:

Rosie Gilbert


Zinc is an essential nutrient for human health. It plays key roles in maintaining protein structure and stability, serves as catalytic factor for many enzymes, and regulates diverse fundamental cellular processes. Zinc is important in affecting signal transduction and, in particular, in the development and integrity of the immune system, where it affects both innate and adaptive immune responses. The eye, especially the retina-choroid complex, has an unusually high concentration of zinc compared to other tissues. The highest amount of zinc is concentrated in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (RPE-choroid, 292± 98.5 µg gdry tissue), followed by the retina (12362.2 µg gdry tissue). The interplay between zinc and inflammation has been explored in other parts of the body but, so far, has not been extensively researched in the eye. Several lines of evidence suggest that ocular zinc concentration decreases with age, especially in the context of age-related disease. Thus, a hypothesis that retinal function could be modulated by zinc nutrition is proposed, and subsequently trialled clinically. In this review, the distribution and the potential role of zinc in the retina-choroid complex is outlined, especially in relation to inflammation and immunity, and the clinical studies to date are summarized.

Study Type : Review

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