From 2-Weeks to Flatten The Curve to EVERYONE MUST GET THE SHOT!!!! Part 2

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Hyperinflation of Death Certificates
Did the CDC Violate Key Federal Laws To Defraud The American People?

We Were Born Free...Let's Make Sure It Stays That Way.

We know the experimental COVID inoculations to still be in clinical trial according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trial is currently scheduled to end May 2, 2023.

Moderna-NIH clinical trial is currently scheduled to end October 27, 2022.

Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) clinical trial is currently scheduled to end January 2, 2023.

But never mind the facts that we have no long-term data…EVERYONE MUST GET THE SHOT!!!!

Never mind that at least 26 million Americans have recovered according to, and no thanks to, the CDC. We know that the recovered therefore have a 'robust antigen-specific, long-lived humoral immune response' against all variants. For anyone who has recovered from the SARS-CoV-2 infection, the experimental COVID inoculation is all risk with zero benefit as we discussed in part 1. So why aren't we prescreening for antibodies before each inoculation if medical safety is indeed the goal?

Never mind that per CDC Data, a 99.58% Recovery Rate has been confirmed from a sample size of over 23 million participants under 65 years of age.

Never mind that in California, Alameda & Santa Clara Counties have confirmed that death counts were inflated by 25% and 22% respectively on a soft preliminary audit alone.

Soft audits remove the most obvious errors such as a gunshot victims or car accident fatalities who tested positive, so these deaths are no longer miscounted as a COVID caused death.

Let me repeat this for effect.

A soft audit of 2 of the largest counties in California by the public health departments for those counties showed that their COVID death counts were hyperinflated by 22% and 25%.

If a soft audit of 2 of the largest counties in California can unearth hyperinflation, then what would a full independent audit that included reviews of PCR cycle threshold values and medical histories for each death certificate unearth?

Could the hyperinflation be as high as 94%? Could the actual COVID death count be as low as 29,688 over 17 months?

An average of 1,746 deaths per month in the United States is tragic for the families involved, but does it constitute and emergency?   

Well, let take a look at how the CDC perpetuated this fraud.

First, the CDC issued death guideline changes exclusively for COVID. This occurred on March 24, 2020 with COVID Alert No. 2.

Then the Health & Human Services (HHS) department incentivized diagnosis by making it possible for hospitals to receive an additional 20% additional reimbursement by Medicare exclusively for COVID. Naturally this led to hyperinflation of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths being reported. So, is it possible that a hospital or two took advantage of what looked like free money from the American taxpayer thanks to the HHS?

What we need (AND MUST DEMAND FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS) is an independent full medical audit of each death certificate to correct the count now that the CDC has confirmed for at least the 3rd time that over 94% of all death certificates had on average 4.0 comorbidities, "For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."

Did you know that there are special rules for recording a COVID death certificate different from all other causes of death?

Did you know that only for COVID death certificates are comorbidities completely de-emphasized and moved to Part 2 rather than Part 1 so that COVID can be listed as THE cause of death?

Did you know that this major change was made on March 24, 2020 by the CDC and NVSS without public comment or notifying federal oversight which is a violation of federal laws?

These irrefutable facts that my research team found were reported to every US Attorney in the country and the Department of Justice in October of 2020 following thousands of hours of impartial investigation into how the CDC manipulated death certificate reporting rules exclusively for COVID in VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW (Administrative Procedures Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, Information Quality Act, and at least 13 Chapter 18 US Codes dealing with defrauding the American people).

Why are these rule changes exclusive to COVID death certificates so important?

Because the rule changes made it possible, and highly profitable, to literally count everything including gunshot and car accident victims in order to fraudulently hyperinflate the COVID death count, defraud the American people, and subsequently drive public hysteria, fear and irrationality for an infection with a 99.6% recovery rate in people under 65 years of age and 99.9% recovery rate under 40 according to CDC data as covered in Part 1.

Here's a link to our peer-reviewed manuscript that is now key evidence in several ongoing court cases on behalf of the American people against the CDC.

But never mind any of that Willful Misconduct, federal law mumbo jumbo...EVERYONE MUST GET THE SHOT!!!!

Really? On What Scientific, Legal or Moral Basis?

The CDC has consistently misled the American public to believe that:

(1) Social Distancing has Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) with human participants supporting its efficacy in reducing infective spread.
When in fact, no RCTs exist, and no evidence-based distances have been established to support this public health policy.

(2) Masking has RCTs with human participants supporting its efficacy in keeping people safe from a virus they are 99.6% likely to recover from if under 65 years of age.
When in fact, the CDC Europe has reported that evidence supporting the use of masking in healthy, non-symptomatic people is 'limited', 'scant' and at best has resulted in a 1.2% reduction in infective spread.

(3) Asymptomatic Spread is real and a driver of infective spread.
When in fact, a study of nearly 10 million enrolled participants showed a 0.00% chance of asymptomatic infective spread for COVID.

(4) Current COVID PCR Testing for infections can determine infectiousness and seldom results in false positive results.
When in fact, the PCR was never designed to determine infectiousness, cannot determine infectiousness, and current Ct values are still set at 40 when determining who is positive for the infection, but curiously set to a more accurate 28 or lower by the CDC when assessing in the vaccinated where the vaccine has failed to prevent infection, hospitalization, and death. It has been known since summer 2020 that as many as 97.2% of all positive test results above a Ct value of 28 can be false positives.

(5) Treatments for COVID Infections Don't Exist and if they do, then they must certainly be dangerous.
When in fact, treatments have existed since March 2020, when Dr. Cheng first attempted to share with the world, how he was able to save 50 out of 50 high-risk and severely ill patients using high dose vitamin C therapy intravenously. Dr. Cheng's video was censored by YouTube and his work removed at the exact time doctors around the world could have used social media to share clinical observations that could have saved millions of lives helping to mitigate the spread of the infection.

Whoa...warp speed to the human experiment, but be afraid of sunlight and IV vitamin C?

Avoid Ivermectin because according to the FDA it's dangerous, even though it's been approved by the FDA since at least 1996 and billions of doses have been safely administered over the last 40 years worldwide?

But hasn't the media, the CDC, the FDA, and Tony Fauci been telling us as often as they could that Ivermectin & Nutrient Therapy are more dangerous than the experimental COVID biologics?

Haven't they been saying that even if these treatments are not dangerous that it doesn't matter because they're ineffective?


Nutrient Therapy & Ivermectin are more dangerous than this July 9th, 2021 VAERS data for the experimental COVID inoculations?

  • Total Deaths Reported - 10,991 (+1,943 from Previous Week)
  • Deaths Within 0-2 Days of Injection - 4,062 (+609 From Previous Week)
  • Deaths In Low Risk Ages (0 to 39) - 244 (+22 From Previous Week)
  • Deaths In High Risk Ages (60 & Up) - 5,857 (+1,192 From Previous Week)
  • Deaths Unknown Age - 4,139 (First Week Reporting)
  • Deaths From Heart Attacks - 1,380 (+297 From Previous Week)
  • Stroke/TIA - 10,027 (+4,532 From Previous Week)
  • Permanent Disability - 9,274 (+1,811 From Previous Week)
  • Life Threatening - 8,831 (+1,009 From Previous Week)
  • Myocarditis or Thrombocytopenia - 5,018 (+592 From Previous Week)
  • Spontaneous Miscarriages - 1,073 (+88 From Previous Week)
  • Birth Defects - 256 (+17 From Previous Week)
  • People Hospitalized Post Inoculation - 30,781 (+3,963 From Previous Week)
  • Emergency Room Visits - 59,347 (+2,432 From Previous Week)
  • Total Vaccine Breakthru Samples Tested - CDC Does Not Publish
  • Vaccine Breakthru Sample PCR Cycle Threshold - <28
  • Unvaccinated Sample PCR Cycle Threshold - <40
  • Vaccine Breakthru Deaths - 1,063 (+75 from Previous Week)
  • Vaccine Breakthru Hospitalizations - 5,189 (+280 from Previous Week)
  • Heart Attacks - 3,906 (+582 From Previous Week)
  • Heart Attacks 0 to 24 Age - 88 (+5 From Previous Week)
  • Heart Attacks 25 to 50 Age - 618 (+41 From Previous Week)
  • Heart Attacks 51 to 65 Age - 748 (+61 From Previous Week)
  • Heart Attacks 66 to 80 Age - 976 (+85 From Previous Week)
  • Heart Attacks 81+ Age - 499 (+92 From Previous Week)
  • Bell's Palsy - 2,885 (+399 From Previous Week)
  • Severe Allergic Reaction - 19,814 (+709 From Previous Week)
  • Total Injuries Reported - 463,457 (+25,016 from Previous Week)

And if that wasn't already bad enough, in an absolutely stupefying decision and self-admittedly based on exactly ZERO collected evidence, the CDC now claims it's safe to co-administer as many other vaccines with the experimental COVID inoculations as a vaccine shooter deems ok.

In fact, I have of a family member, in the high risk age demographic, that recently received 6 vaccines, plus the Johnson & Johnson experimental COVID inoculation…AT THE SAME TIME!

Was he severely injured?

Yes, and very badly.

Would the person who administered the inoculations report it to VAERS?

No, and she was in violation of the EUA requirements to report.

I pray that Americans haven't lost our sense of what's right and wrong…

Because this is simply wrong.

And sadly, it gets even worse.

Join me in the Part 3 finale when we look at how the FDA and CDC purposefully withheld evidence-based treatments that could have saved tens of thousands of American lives in the greatest acts of Willful Misconduct in human history.

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