Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption

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Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption

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Vaccines are not safe or effective for everyone because we are not all the same and we do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products.  Without knowing if the odds are in your favor, almost no medical condition qualifies for exemption.



Vaccine risks for you or your child can range from zero to 100 percent depending upon the genes you were born with; your microbiome DNA; the environment you live in; your age and health at the time of vaccination, and the type and how many vaccines you get. 1 2

Vaccines are not safe or effective for everyone because we are not all the same and we do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products like vaccines. 3 4

Our response to infectious diseases and the risk for complications can also vary, depending upon our genes, environment, and age and health at the time of infection. 5 That is why malnourished, vitamin deficient children living in impoverished environments, for example, are at higher risk for complications from gastrointestinal, respiratory and other childhood infections. 6 7 8

Vaccinators Do Not Know If the Odds Will Be in Your Favor 

Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption

The doctor or nurse giving vaccines to you or your child does not know whether the odds will be in your favor. You may get vaccinated and have no reaction or your immune system and brain function could be severely compromised9 10 The scientific literature is clear about that fact and so is Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court, which have declared vaccines to be "unavoidably unsafe" and shielded the pharmaceutical industry from vaccine injury lawsuits. 11 12 13

Since 1988, there have been thousands of children and adults in America who have suffered brain inflammation and other long recognized vaccine reactions and have been awarded $3 billion dollars in vaccine injury compensation. There are thousands more, who have been unable to secure federal compensation for their vaccine injuries. 14 15

Vaccines Recommended and Given in Vacuum of Scientific Knowledge

But doctors and nurses are not taught about the genetic, biological and environmental high risk factors that could make you or your child more vulnerable to experiencing disabling vaccine complications. Vaccines are being recommended and given in a vacuum of knowledge and vaccine policymakers know it. As many Institute of Medicine committees have repeatedly pointed out in published reports spanning a quarter century, there are huge gaps in vaccine safety science. 16 17 18 19 20

Vaccine safety research is not a priority because long ago public health officials made a calculated decision that the lives of those harmed by vaccines are expendable in order to pursue what they consider to be a more important goal: the eradication of a long list of infectious microorganisms through compulsory vaccine use. 21 22 23 When vaccine risks turn out to be 100 percent for you or your child, you are expected to quietly accept that you are unavoidable collateral damage in the war on microorganisms. 24 25  26

Almost No Medical Condition Qualifies for Medical Vaccine Exemption

This cruel utilitarian rationale, also known as "the ends justifies the means," has been used by public health officials and medical trade groups to narrow the medical vaccine exemption so that, today, almost no medical condition qualifies as an "official" reason (contraindication) for a doctor to grant someone a medical exemption to vaccination. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 At the same time, there are no good biological mechanism studies or large clinical trials validating the safety of severely restricting the medical vaccine exemption. But, then, there is no independent oversight on the quality and quantity of the science used to make vaccine policies and laws in the U.S. either. 36 37 38

Basically, the Centers for Disease Control now tells doctors that a medical vaccine exemption should only be granted if you are one of the estimated 320,000 children and adults annually receiving chemotherapy39 40 or one of the estimated 47,000 Americans who have had a recent organ or blood cell transplant; 41 42 or your child is one of the 40 to 100 children born every year with Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, known as SCID. 43

Once you are done with chemo, no medical vaccine exemption for you. Once you have recovered from your organ or blood cell transplant, no medical vaccine exemption for you. 44 And if you are immunosuppressed but don't have SCID, the rarest and most severe of all immunodeficiency disorders, in most cases no medical exemption for you. 45

No Medical Exemption for Immune and Brain Disorders, Genetic Susceptibility 

If you or your child are already suffering with autoimmune or brain disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy or an immunosuppressive disease like HIV, no medical vaccine exemption for you. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

If you or your child have a family history of severe allergies, vaccine reactions, seizures, sudden infant death syndrome or serious autoimmune and neurological disorders, no medical vaccine exemption for you. 56 57 58 59 60 6162 63 64

No Medical Exemption for Sickness, Many Previous Vaccine Reactions

If you or your child are sick at the time of vaccination with a fever or on antibiotics, no medical vaccine exemption for you.  65

Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption

If, after vaccination, you or your child ran a 105-degree fever, collapsed or had seizures and symptoms of brain inflammation followed by serious health deterioration and you are still chronically ill but a doctor disagrees that your continuing health problems were caused by vaccination, no medical vaccine exemption for you.  66 67

No Medical Exemption for Pregnancy, Siblings of Vaccine Injured, Premature Infants 

If you are a pregnant health care worker and do not want to get a flu shot while you are pregnant because you do not want to risk a miscarriage, no medical vaccine exemption for you. 68 69

If your child was injured or died after vaccination and you want to protect your other children from vaccine injury, no medical vaccine exemption for your children. 70 71

If your baby was born prematurely and is low weight and struggling to survive, no medical vaccine exemption for your infant. 72 73 74

Obey Liability Free Doctors' Vaccine Orders Or Be Punished 

For all practical purposes, the Centers for Disease Control and medical trade organizations now direct pediatricians and other vaccinators to deny the medical vaccine exemption to 99.99 percent of Americans. Although nobody can predict whether the odds will be in your favor, you are expected to obey doctors' orders and get and give your children every government recommended vaccine – no exceptions and no questions asked - or be subjected to threats, coercion, discrimination and denial of medical care, education, and employment. 75

Like drug companies selling vaccines, doctors giving vaccines are protected from vaccine injury lawsuits. If a doctor vaccinates you or your child against your will and you suffer a catastrophic vaccine reaction, you cannot seek justice in a civil court of law in front of a jury of your peers. 76 Without accountability or liability, there is strong incentive for vaccinators to implement government vaccine policy and deny vaccine harm - but little incentive to prevent vaccine harm. 

Eliminating Non-Medical Exemptions to Blackmail Americans

Now public health and medical trade groups are pressuring legislators to pass laws that would not only eliminate non-medical religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions for children to attend school, 77 but also would require children to get every one of the 69 doses of 16 federally recommended vaccines - unless a parent can get a medical vaccine exemption from a doctor. 78 This vaccine dragnet, which is already being applied to health care workers, is also pulling in childcare workers and teachers as proposed new vaccine laws threaten them with loss of employment if they cannot find a doctor to write a medical vaccine exemption. 79 80 81 82

Zealously pursuing a 99.99 percent vaccination rate and using very small groups of immune compromised individuals as an excuse to eliminate all non-medical vaccine exemptions, liability free doctors want permission from lawmakers to blackmail virtually every American into playing vaccine roulette. And they want to do this in the absence of sound vaccine safety science, even for those potentially at higher risk for suffering vaccine harm. 

Philosopher and human rights advocate Elie Wiesel has said "When you take an idea or a concept and turn it into an abstraction, that opens the way to take human beings and turn them, also, into abstractions. When human beings become abstractions, what is left?" 83

Cruel and Inhuman to Last Degree

Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption

In 1905, when the U.S. Supreme Court in Jacobsen v. Massachusetts affirmed the right of states to mandate smallpox vaccination, the Court warned legislatures that it was not condoning vaccination of persons for whom the medical procedure would be "cruel and inhuman to the last degree," adding that "all laws should receive a sensible construction." 84

The inalienable right to autonomy and free exercise of conscience to protect bodily integrity trumps the right of government to use our bodies for any purpose, which is why informed consent to vaccine risk taking and flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions must remain a legal right in America. 85

Act Now to Protect Bodily Integrity and Free Exercise of Conscience

If you want the legal right to freely exercise conscience and protect your bodily integrity or that of your child when it comes to vaccine risk-taking, if you do not want to wake up one day and be forced to play vaccine roulette when you have good reason to conclude that you or your child are at high risk for suffering vaccine harm, you need to act now. You can be sure that the odds definitely will not be in your favor when it comes to finding a doctor to grant you a medical vaccine exemption.

Go to and learn more about infectious diseases and vaccines. Sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal today and join the thousands of intelligent, concerned and courageous Americans standing up and speaking out in states across this country in defense of the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking. 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Please take action now.


It's your health. Your family. Your choice.


1 Institute of Medicine Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality: Evaluating Biological Mechanisms of Adverse Events: Increased Susceptibility.  Washington, DC: The National Academies Press 2012. 
2 Lemaire D, Barbosa T, Rihet P. Coping with genetic diversity: the contribution of pathogen and human genomics to modern vaccinology. Polymorphisms Affect Gene Responses. Braz J Med Biol Res 2012; 45(5): 376-385.  
3 Newport MJ, Goetghebuer T, Weiss HA et al. Genetic regulation of immune responses to vaccines in early life. Genes and Immunity 2004; 5: 122-129.
4 Tang YW, Haijing L, Wu H et al. Host Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Altered Responses to Inactivated Influenza VaccineJ Infect Dis 2007; 196(7): 1021-1025.
5 Hill AVS. Genetics and Genomics of Infectious Disease SusceptibilityBritish Medical Bulletin 1999; 55(2): 401-413.
6 Rice Al, Sacco L, Hyder A, Black RE. Malnutrition as an underlying cause of childhood deaths associated with infectious diseases in developing countriesBulletin of the World Health Organization 2000; 78: 1207-1221.
7 Guerrant RL, Oria RB, Moore SR et al. Malnutrition as an enteric infectious disease with long term effects on childhood development. Nutr Rev 2008; 66(9): 487-505.
8 Hussey GP, Klein M. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Vitamin A in Children with Severe MeaslesN Engl J Med 1990; 323: 160-164.
9 Institute of Medicine Committee to Study New Research on Vaccines. DPT Vaccine and Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction: A New Analysis. Executive Summary (pp.1-2) Washington, D.C. The National Academies Press 1994.
12 Supreme Court of the United States. Bruesewitz v. Wyeth. Feb. 22, 2011.
14 Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA). National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Monthly Statistics Report.
16 Institute of Medicine Vaccine Safety Committee. Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: Executive Summary, Research Needs (p. 8) and Afterword on Research Needs (p. 206-207). Washington, DC. National Academy Press 1991.
17 Institute of Medicine Vaccine Safety Committee. Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines: Evidence Bearing on Causality: Need for Research and Surveillance(p. 305-308). Washington, D.C. National Academy Press 1994.
19 Institute of Medicine Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality: Evaluating Biological Mechanisms of Adverse Events (p. 57-102) and Concluding Comments (p. 629-632).  Washington, DC: The National Academies Press 2012. 
20 Institute of Medicine Committee on the Assessment of Studies of Health Outcomes Related to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule. The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence and Future Studies: Summary: Health Outcomes (p. 5-6) and Conclusions About Scientific Findings (p. 11) and Review of Scientific Findings (p. 75-98). Washington, D.C. The National Academies Press 2013.
21 Hinman A, Orenstein WA, Schuchat A. Vaccine Preventable Diseases, Immunization and MMWR 1961-2011. MMWR Oct. 7, 2011; 60(04): 49-57.
22 Barrett S. Economic Considerations for the Eradication EndgamePhil Trans R Soc B 2012; 368.
23 Fisher BL. Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose. See Jacobsen v. Massachusetts: State Police Powers Affirmed and A Utilitarian Rationale Turned Into Law. US Health Freedom Congress, Hamline University Sept. 27, 2014.
25 Omer SB, Salmon DA, Orenstein WA, deHart PM, Halsey N. Vaccine Refusal, Mandatory Immunization and the Risks of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. N Engl J Med 2009; 360(19): 1981-1988.
26 Fisher BL. Doctors Denying Vaccine Risks: An American Tragedy. NVIC Newsletter Apr. 21, 2011.
27 Fisher BL. Find a Compassionate Doctor to Help You Prevent Vaccine InjuriesNVIC Newsletter Aug. 26, 2012.
29 Salmon DA, Halsey NA. Keeping the M in Medical Exemptions: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Children. J Infect Dis Aug. 29, 2012.
30 Moyer C. Medical vaccine exemptions for children not always justifiedAmerican Medical News Sept. 10, 2012.
32 Rubin LG, Levin MJ, Ljungman P et al. 2013 IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines for Vaccination of the Immunocompromised HostClin Infect Dis Dec. 4, 2013.
34 CDC. Vaccine Contraindications and Precautions for Adults OnlyCenters for Disease Control Mar. 6, 2014.
35 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases. Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule – United States 2015Pediatrics2015; 135(2): 396-397. 
37 Fisher BL. A Public Perspective on Priorities for Vaccine Safety Health Outcome Research. Institute of Medicine Committee on Assessment of Studies on Health Outcomes Related to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule Meeting Feb. 9, 2012.
38 Fisher BL, Wrangham TK. NVIC Statement on Draft NVAC Maternal Immunization Working Group Recommendations on Maternal ImmunizationsNational Vaccine Information Center Apr. 25, 2014.
39 American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures – 2015.  
43 National Human Genome Institute. Learning About Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID): How Common is SCID? June 2, 2014.
45 See References #31-35.
46 Wraith DC, Goldman M, Lambert PH. Vaccination and autoimmune disease: what is the evidence? The Lancet June 3, 2003.
47 Rahier JF, Mutschen M, Van Campel A et al. Vaccines in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Rheumatology 2010; 49(10): 1815-1827.
49 Dell'Era L, Esposito S, Corona F, Principi N. Vaccination of children and adolescents with rheumatic disorders. Rheumatology 2011; 50(8): 1358-1365.  
50 Duchet-Niedziolka P, Launay O, Coutsinos Z et al. Vaccination in adults with autoimmune disease and/or drug-related immune deficiency: results of the GEVACCIM Delphi survey. Vaccine 2009; 27(10): 1523-1529.  
51 Agmon-Levin N, Zafrir Y, Paz Z. Ten cases of systemic lupus erythematosus related to hepatitis B vaccine. Lupus 2009; 18(130: 1192-1197.
52 Lu Y, Bousvarus A. Immunizations in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated with Immunosuppressive TherapyGastroenterol Hepatol (NY) 2014; 10(6): 355-363.  
54 Kraus GL. Ask the Experts: Are Routine Immunizations Safe in People with Epilepsy? Medscape Sept. 19, 2000.  
56 Stetler HC, Orenstein WA. History of Convulsions and Use of Pertussis Vaccine. J Pediatr 1985; 107(2): 175-179.
57 Livengood JR, Mullen JR, White JR et al. Family history of convulsions and use of pertussis vaccine. J Pediatr 1989; 115(4): 527-531.
58 Szakacs A, Darin N, Hallbook T. Increased childhood incidence of narcolepsy in western Sweden after H1N1 influenza vaccinationsNeurology 2013; 80(14): 1315-1321.
59 Partinen M, Kornum BR, Plazzi G et al. Narcolepsy as an autoimmune disease: the role of H1N1 infection and vaccinationLancet Neurol 2014; 13(6): 600-613.
60 Crowe JE. Genetic predisposition for adverse events after vaccinationJ Infect Dis 2007; 196(2): 176-177.
61 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Autoimmune Diseases Research Center: FAQ on Autoimmunity.
62 Bennermo M, Heid C, Stemme S et al. Genetic predisposition of the interlukin-6 response to inflammation: implication for a variety of major diseases? Clin Chem 2004; 50(11): 2136-2140.
63 Soriano A, Nesher G, Schoenfeld Y. Predicting post-vaccination autoimmunity: who might be at risk? Pharmacological Research 2015; 92: 18-22.
65 Ibid.
67 Salmon DA, Halsey NA. Keeping the M in Medical Exemptions: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Children. J Infect Dis Aug. 29, 2012
68 Malloy A. Pregnant nurse: I was fired for refusing flu vaccineCNN Dec. 29, 2013.
69 Fisher BL. Vaccination During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? NVIC Newsletter Nov. 9, 2013.
71 See References
72 Sanchez PJ, Laptook AR, Fisher L et al. Apnea after immunization of pre-term infants. J Pediatr 1997; 130(5): 746-751.
74 Emory University School of Medicine. Immunization of Premature Infants. Emory Department of Pediatrics 2015. 
75 Fisher BL. The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready? NVIC Newsletter Mar. 8, 2015.  
76 Evans G. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: Revision of Vaccine Injury Table. Pediatrics 1996; 98(6): 1179-1181.
78 U.S. House of Representatives. H.R. 2232 – Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015. Introduced May 1, 2015.
83 Annas GJ, Grodin MA. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Preface by Elie Wiesel. Oxford University Press 1992.  
84 Jacobsen v. Massachusetts. 197 U.S. 11(1905). LSU Law Center.
85 Fisher BL. The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready? NVIC Newsletter Mar. 8, 2015.
87 Kumar S. Bills banning most vaccine exemptions fail in NorthwestAssociated Press Mar. 11, 2015.
88 Hoban R. Vaccine Exemption Bill Draws Objections. Mar. 25, 2015.
NC Health News Mar. 25, 2015.
90 Associated Press. North Carolina Vaccine Bill Reaches Dead End. Apr. 1, 2015.
92 Yoo S. Hearing revives vaccine debate in Oregon LegislatureStatesman Journal Apr. 9, 2015.
93 Texas Senate. Testimony of NVIC Advocacy Director Dawn Richardson opposing bill to mandate vaccines for all teachers and school employees. (Hearing begins at 39:00 and ends at 1:28 with Dawn's testimony beginning at 48:00. Senate Education Committee Hearing Apr. 23, 2015.
95 Durkin A. Debate over vaccine exemptions to come roaring through MaineAssociated Press May 10, 2015.
96 Koseff A. California Senate approves vaccination billSacramento Bee May 14, 2015.

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