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An investigative report by The Intercept reveals the Department of Homeland Security's concerning new mandate: moving from the "war on terror" to policing the constitutionally protected thought, speech and behavior of U.S. citizens.
A bombshell new report by The Intercept titled, "Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS's Plans to Police Disinformation," is receiving international attention. It exposes how multiple federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), worked closely with Big Tech platforms to target, investigate and censor Americans for simply questioning government COVID policies, vaccine safety, election integrity and other issues of vital importance to the health and civil rights of U.S. citizens.
The report's key takeaways are:
- Though DHS shuttered its controversial Disinformation Governance Board, a strategic document reveals the underlying work is ongoing.
- DHS plans to target inaccurate information on "the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine."
- Facebook created a special portal for DHS and government partners to report disinformation directly.
The report concluded:
"The inherently subjective nature of what constitutes disinformation provides a broad opening for DHS officials to make politically motivated determinations about what constitutes dangerous speech."
New War on Terror Directed Against Health Freedom Advocates?
Recently, the Department of Homeland Security issued a national advisory wherein it associated the exercise of the First Amendment with acts of "domestic terrorism." The August 13, 2021, DHS bullein titled, "Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland," proposes that key drivers of domestic terrorist threats include conspiracy theories related to election fraud, concerns over the origin of COVID-19 and discussion about the [lack of] effectiveness of vaccines. You can find more on this DHS bulletin here.
Learn more and view the entire leaked email thread here.
A recent lawsuit filed by two state Attorneys General (we reported on here) found at least 45 federal employees, across many agencies, were colluding with Big Tech platform executives to target specific individuals (such as myself) it claimed were purveyors of "disinformation."
One of the leaked emails showed my personal account on Facebook, along with my associated organizations and their websites ( and were being investigated and targeted for censorship. The lawsuit described the relationship between the federal agencies and Big Tech as a vast "Censorship Enterprise."
According to The Intercept report:
"The Department of Homeland Security is quietly broadening its efforts to curb speech it considers dangerous, an investigation by The Intercept has found. Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents -- obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents -- illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.
The work, much of which remains unknown to the American public, came into clearer view earlier this year when DHS announced a new "Disinformation Governance Board": a panel designed to police misinformation (false information spread unintentionally), disinformation (false information spread intentionally), and malinformation (factual information shared, typically out of context, with harmful intent) that allegedly threatens U.S. interests. While the board was widely ridiculed, immediately scaled back, and then shut down within a few months, other initiatives are underway as DHS pivots to monitoring social media now that its original mandate -- the war on terror -- has been wound down."
The Larger Orwellian Implications to Policing Thought
A recent article by Caitlin Johnston titled, "Destroying Western Values To Defend Western Values," aptly summarizes the larger implications of the DHS's transmogrification into neo-Orwellian Thought Police, when she writes:
"So it turns out the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the "cognitive infrastructure" of the population."
For example, after YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and hundreds of other Big Tech platforms decided to adopt the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) and World Health Organization's (WHO) official COVID origins, risk profile and treatment narrative as the only acceptable speech on its platforms (as justified and enforcded by their "Community Standards"), any speech or visual depiction (e.g., memes) in violation of their guidelines could result in shadowbanning or overt banning.
Millions of people were either removed from their platforms or began an even more malignant process of self-censoring to avoid penalty or removal. This resulted in altering the psychological/cognitive infrastructure of the world when it came to the ability to question, reflect upon, speak and act accordingly. In other words, these policies altered the "cognitive infrastructure" (which has, simultaneously, a behavioral component) planet-wide.
The Intercept report also noted, "Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon Media met on a monthly basis with the FBI, CISA, and other government representatives."
Considering what we know of the search engine manipulation effect (SEME) identified by Epstein et al. -- namely, the majority of the world's elections are profoundly influenced by Google's autocomplete search suggestions -- the federal government's politically motivated influence on the speech policies of Big Tech platforms may have had, and will continue to have, a deciding effect on certain key elections.
Damning Evidence: DHS Discussed Using Third Party Nonprofits to Hide Its Disinfo Propaganda
The Intercept report reveals a leaked email by a DHS official, during an internal strategy discussion, suggesting the agency should use third party nonprofits as a "clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda."
A Washington Examiner report written by John R. Schindler, a former employee with the National Security Agency, elaborates further on this highly concerning finding:
"That's what is called a "cut-out" in the spy trade, the use of a deniable intermediary. Biden's DHS wanted to use ostensibly private cut-outs to spread political propaganda approved by the White House, paid for with taxpayer money.
That sounds more like East Germany than America. I've been countering disinformation, mainly Russian, since the 1990s, and the line between foreign lies and domestic views was always clear inside the Beltway. At least until Biden entered the White House. What's been going on in Washington is illegal and un-American. It needs thorough exposure. In the new year, when the House of Representatives is likely to be in Republican hands, what DHS and other federal agencies have been up to needs a full investigation.
We are fortunate that the DHS bureaucrats who were colluding with Big Tech against Republicans, and anyone who doesn't follow the Democratic party line, were foolish enough to write their wacky, unconstitutional ideas down in unclassified memos where reporters could find them. Biden's Deep State is thankfully inept. On cue, the legacy media is ignoring the Intercept's bombshell report since it's not the narrative they want, particularly just a few days away from the midterm elections .
Still, dear journalists who have pontificated for years about how "democracy dies in darkness" -- here's your chance to stand up for free speech and keeping the government away from our cherished values."
Probe Launched Into Homeland Security's 'Taxpayer-Funded Censorship Campaign'
According to a report by The Center Square, House Oversight Committee Republicans initiated an investigation into what they're calling a "taxpayer-funded censorship campaign" at the Department of Homeland Security.
The Center Square obtained a letter from the group, led by ranking member Rep. James Comer, R-Ky, wherein it's stated:
"CISA is framing any dissenting opinion disseminated online as a cyber threat to critical infrastructure …
CISA leverages partnerships with left-leaning private organizations - who have received millions of dollars in federal money - to identify and then take action against political speech unfavorable to the Administration, especially around its handling of COVID-19 policy."
CISA is the acronym for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, an agency implicated in the "vast Censorship Enterprise" identified in the recent state Attorneys General Schmitt/Landry lawsuit.
As part of this lawsuit, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ruled on October 21, 2022, that top-ranking officials in the federal government, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, must testify under oath at depositions. The Center Square report elaborates further on the nature of CISA's unconstitutional activities:
"This effort began after CISA partnered with left-leaning organizations and Big Tech companies to launch the Election Integrity Partnership," the letter said. "The EIP provides an online complaint-processing platform that permits groups - including the Democratic National Committee on at least four occasions - to submit 'tickets' reporting narratives they flagged for concerns.
"'Tickets' were frequently resolved by taking one of several actions: 1) banning the user from posting his or her lawful speech or deplatforming the individual entirely, 2) algorithmically restricting the reach of the speech on the platform, or 3) adding other information, such as a warning label, to the post alerting users to the post's disfavored status," the letter added.
According to the report, although the investigation is spearheaded by the Republican minority on the House Oversight Committee, "If Republicans take the majority in the House as current polling suggests, the probe could become a major feature of the second half of President Joe Biden's first term in office."
Four Critical Calls to Action & Empowerment!
- As you know, has been subject to an internationally coordinated deplatforming campaign, beginning in 2019 and culminating in our losing over 2 million followers and 99% of our organic search results on Google. In addition, after the campaign labeled me a member of the "disinfo dozen" (an entirely debunked campaign), the international media created thousands of digital hitpieces against me. Adding to this defamatory burden, President Biden, during a national press conference on July 19, 2021, accused me of "killing people." As a result, our ability to continue to provide a free natural health resource with over 10,000 health topics has been seriously compromised. We are 100% user-supported and require donations and memberships to keep resources afloat. Since its start in 2007, GreenMedInfo has provided over 150 million visitors information required for informed consent and medical freedom. Please consider becoming a member or making a one-time donation here.
- Stand for Health Freedom is a nonprofit (501c4) cofounded by Sayer Ji, Leah Wilson, Esq. and Joel Bohemier, DC, in 2019, which represents over 550,000 active advocates. It relies entirely on donations to function. Since its start, Stand for Health Freedom has enabled over 3.5 million actions on its digital advocacy platform and has contributed to major health freedom victories throughout the U.S. It has created a Vote for Health Freedom resource center providing state-specific voter guides and endorsements that aid voters in determining which candidates stand for health freedom based on transparent guidelines. Please visit the Vote for Health Freedom portal to receive support for the upcoming midterm elections.
- Big Tech and Big Government collusion has contaminated the "public forum" and led to social media outlets being liabilities. They are not conducive to free speech and the open flow of information required for democratic societies to function. For that reason we created, a platform that protects your First Amendment rights and is open for you to set up a free profile here. Please join the community and help us co-create a more beautiful, empowering and high integrity world together! Want to become a creator on Unite? Learn more here.
- Interested in taking back full control of your health? Join the upcoming REGENERATE YOURSELF masterclass. It's entirely free and starts November 30, 2022. Save your free spot here and receive a free download of the REGENERATE RX diet when you do.