Brighteon University to Stream Sayer Ji's "REGENERATE Yourself Masterclass" Beginning Aug 5th

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Originally published on by Mike Adams

Sayer Ji, the founder of and author of the acclaimed "Regenerate" book, is streaming his entire "Regenerate Yourself Masterclass" on Brighteon University ( beginning August 5th.

Through years of meticulous medical and scientific research, Sayer Ji has documented the published medical science on the most powerful plant-based molecules that regenerate organs and tissues in the human body.

While most people (and doctors) believe that heart tissue, for example, can't be healed, Sayer has documented cardio-regenerative molecules found in specific plants that actually initiate the body's rebuilding of damaged heart tissue.

Similarly, other powerful molecules can help heal nerves, ligaments, blood vessels and other tissues (see the photographic proof below).

Sayer Ji reveals all these and much more in his, "Regenerate Yourself Masterclass" which is free to view (registration required) at beginning August 5th, 2023. You can register now at to be alerted when the first episode launches. The program consists of 11 episodes, airing one each day, through August 25th. Some of those modules are:

MODULE 1 - Regenerate: The New Biology Revolution

MODULE 2 - Regenerate Your Heart and Brain

MODULE 3 - Regenerate Your Metabolism, Optimize Your Weight

MODULE 4 - Regenerate Yourself Through Detoxification

MODULE 5 - Regenerate Your Endocrine System & Promote Longevity

MODULE 6 - Regenerate Your Immune System

MODULE 7 - Regenerate Yourself Through Fitness

Plus these bonus interviews:

- Dr. Joel Bohemier and Sayer Ji Discuss the Promise of Regeneration an the Origin Story of GreenMedInfo

- Lifestyle Medicine for Your Brain and Heart

- Regenerate and Beyond - Down the Rabbit Hole

Also available in the paid downloadable package (not broadcast for free, but available as a purchasable download at this link):

ADVANCED MODULE 1 - Regenerative Nutrition Deep Dive (Heart, Brain, Liver)

ADVANCED MODULE 2 - Regenerative Nutrition Deep Dive (Bone, Skin, Aging)

ADVANCED MODULE 3 - Regenerate: Cancer & The New Biology

ADVANCED MODULE 4 - Regenerative Fitness with Hamad Shirazi

ADVANCED MODULE 5 - Regenerative Supplements

ADVANCED MODULE 6 - Regenerate: Sayer’s Life Hacks

ADVANCED MODULE 7 - Regenerative Cooking with Tania Melkonian

Watch the full, powerful interview with Sayer Ji here to get a small taste of what's in the course:

My own regenerative experience following a severe injury that nearly took off my finger

I have personally experienced an astonishing regenerative healing recovery from a severe injury that nearly severed my finger. This photo shows my finger being nearly cut off with a deep, arcing laceration that took place around nine weeks ago:

The photo doesn't even show how deep the laceration was, but it severed the lateral ligaments, finger nerves, blood vessels and part of the primary ligament that runs underneath the finger. I lost some sensation at the tip of my finger, and clearly suffered a bone fracture, but not a bone break.

I chose to avoid going to the emergency room because I know how to heal.

So I never got stitches. No prescription antibiotics. No X-rays. I can't say this is the correct decision for everyone else (as I'm not your doctor), but for me, this was clearly the right call.

Instead of going to the ER, I used my knowledge of nutrition and healing, much of which Sayer Ji shares in his own materials. I consumed daily turmeric for nerve regeneration and added Lion's Mane mushroom for enhanced nerve regeneration. I also used tuning fork sound therapy treatments to broadcast ultrasonic sound frequencies through the bones, joints and tissues, which "awakens" dead cells. Plus, I used infrared light therapy at 850nm and 908nm.

A few weeks later, a lot of the internal damage had healed, but the external damage still needed work (because these wounds heal from the inside out). Daily, I used my own formulation of a colloidal silver first aid gel, plus Manuka honey and other topic treatments including Frankincense essential oil.

After 8-9 weeks of nutrition, light therapy, sound therapy, prayer, massage and other natural modalities, my finger regenerated itself and regrew the nerves, ligaments and blood vessels. Notice there is virtually no scarring and no stitch marks, because I never got stitches:

The finger structure has now almost fully healed. I'm still working on strength and mobility training to restore those fully, but that's making steady progress and I expect a near-full recovery. Most medical doctors say that ligament healing like this normally requires up to SIX months. Thanks to the regeneration modalities I used, however, the photo you see above was achieved in just 8-9 weeks, with near-full ligament reconstruction without surgery. (Note: The primary ligament that runs underneath the finger was not fully severed. If it were, I would have required microsurgery to reconnect it. If you suffer the complete severing of a primary ligament, most definitely go to the ER...)

My fingertip sensation returned with 150% sensitivity, meaning I now have more touch sensitivity than before. Touching textures is now incredibly rich and detailed, far more than for my other hand. It's like my nerves grew back as youthful nerves with heightened sensitivity.

This is called regeneration. The body can heal far more than most people realize.

This is how I know that Sayer Ji's Regenerate knowledge is completely true and valid. I just experienced it myself in a dramatic way, and it's also worth noting that I experienced no pain whatsoever during the regeneration phase of my finger, and I have no pain today.

No stitches, no prescriptions, no infections, no pain. Most medical doctors would say that's impossible. But the proof is in the photos (above) and my personal experience.

If you want to know how to unlock this regenerative potential in your own body, watch Sayer Ji's powerful "Regenerate Yourself Masterclass" that's broadcasting August 5th at

Or if you want to download the entire course right now as a paid digital download, you'll find full details at this link.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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