CA Vaccine Bill Legislates "Freedom Only With Permission"

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CA Vaccine Bill

CA Bill 2109

This bill, if passed, would require parents to obtain the signature of a "health care practitioner" for a personal beliefs/religious exemption. MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants can sign. Naturopaths and chiropractors cannot. The signature will need to be obtained on a separate form provided by the Department of Public Health, which states that the health care practitioner has provided risk and benefit information to the parent.

In case you’ve been living in an underground grotto, the proposed Bill would require parents to get an MD’s signature to allow parents to sign the vaccine exemption form, a form which has been in use for the past century in California. Does that sound bizarre? The MD signature is required before the citizens can sign their own name.

The new bill is masquerading as a vaccine safety issue.
Understand that it is not.

Rather, this is a constitutional issue – de facto negation of Bill of Rights concerns, whereby parents are being forced to get PERMISSION to opt out of a voluntary medical procedure. –

Asking the doctor if it’s OK if we don’t choose a controversial medical procedure like vaccines, which the manufacturers themselves admit is dangerous.

This is the new freedom: Freedom with Permission.

Puts an Orwellian twist on the Personal Beliefs Exemption: you now need permission to exercise your personal belief in choosing a controversial procedure for your own child.

Let’s take the blinders off the horse here. Having realized in the past 2 years that they are losing the debate on vaccine safety, organized medicine has taken a completely different tack: outlaw the debate itself. Don’t debate: Legislate.


Dr Blaylock succinctly frames the issue in his recent interview

[Russell Blaylock interview]

- after the abysmal failure and professional embarrassment of the H1N1 fiasco in 2010, it would have seemed logical for the vaccine industry to back off vaccines for awhile. Despite millions of dollars and 2 years of global marketing and hysteria, the American people just didn't buy the whole idea of H1N1 as a real disease. They rejected the vaccine, en masse. Remember?

But instead, medicine has done the opposite. They have redoubled their efforts, with several new policies since then, which are unprecedented in forcing vaccines on people, while still maintaining the pretense that shots are voluntary. This CA Bill 2109 is just one example.

Just a few months ago, it became a law in California - CA Bill 499 - that 7th graders may be vaccinated in school with the controversial HPV vaccine without the parents' knowledge or permission. Did we happen to notice that?

What opposition did we register? That was not primarily a vaccine safety issue either, but a question of parents' rights. The assertion and insertion of government authority over parents' rights to choose health care for their children - that is a primary right which the people of California have just lost. With scarcely a whimper.

Medicine as government, government as medicine.


Why were chiropractors specifically excluded as signers of the Forms?

Because they don't have the needle, obviously.

To the chiropractic organizations that say they will take no action because this isn't a chiropractic issue, they're missing the mark twice over:

1. We are specifically excluded in favor of those who are not even primary care doctors. This is a an insult, both professionally and academically, as though we are not well enough educated to inform patients about fundamental health issues.

2. Who is more informed to counsel the large proportion of California patients who seek a course of natural health that follows the holistic, vitalistic model? This has always been a matter of personal choice. Who else but DCs [and perhaps NDs] represent natural health care?

A bit of back channel politics occurred recently where a naive group of DCs considered withdrawing their "opposition" in exchange for an empty promise to allow DCs to sign the exemptions.

What opposition?

Astounding that anyone would really think the proponents would actually remove the exclusion of DCs from the bill. Never happen. No matter what they promise. Even if they did, it would almost be guaranteed to be tacked back on in the midnight hour. Why? Because we don’t have the needle.

The only people allowed to sign the Forms are waiting there with the needle, waiting there to disabuse these irresponsible parents about their dangerous ideas about exemption.

Anyone paying attention can see the real agenda, the intent behind CA Bill 2109: to end vaccine exemptions. Despite all their vehement protestations to the contrary.

Bottom line, CA2109 is not a chiropractic issue. Whether or not chiropractors are allowed to sign philosophical exemptions is not the radical departure in American jurisprudence that is crystallizing not only in California, but all across the country.


Know this: just because an MD or nurse makes an appointment to see the parent is no guarantee they’ll sign. Parents might have to go to several doctors before finding one who will sign. If indeed any will sign. There’s nothing binding them to sign.

Those hustling this Bill through Sacramento are well aware that most Forms will go unsigned. But Pan’s office is effusively assuring people: Don’t worry, the doctors will sign, no problem. we’re not taking the exemption away, don’t worry….

Hollow promises, the oldest currency of politics. Sounds like the Warsaw ghetto.

Here are 3 reasons why doctors won’t sign the exemption:

1. They won’t meet their quota of vaccinated children in order to get their bonuses

2. They will get reduced reimbursement rates from insurance companies because of the vaccination requirements

3. They will be afraid of liability in case the unvaccinated child they signed for gets a disease from the vaccinated.

Shows how much confidence they have in the vaccines they’re mandating, doesn’t it?

Anyway, these are the main reasons why parents will pay for appointments and usually go home empty handed, if this bill passes.


If anyone thinks this issue is about anything besides money, it isn’t. Pan’s office is awash in money supporting this vaccine. Here is a link that shows just some of the funds that are disclosed, a mere $175k:

Vaccines are the foundation of the pediatric industry. Without vaccines, not only do they lose millions in office visits, upselling drugs and procedures – pediatricians lose the opportunity to inculcate the idea of a lifetime of dependency on organized medicine. Childhood is the only time for such indoctrination.

That is the fundamental reason that vaccines are such a charged issue, and why they will exert any effort necessary to legislate away the debate on vaccine safety. Medicine knows they cannot win the debate, and this is their alternative.


The only real power any groups or citizens have is to oppose the entire Bill. Now. Show up in Sacramento on April 17. Attend the debate. Flood Richard Pan’s office with phone calls 916-319-2005, Fax: 916-452-5525. Today. It actually works. Make an impression. Do something besides these insipid threats of doing something.

Failing that, no one is taking us seriously at all. We’re just not in the game. By us, I mean the citizens of California. Safe politics means do nothing and see which way the wind blows. That is a virtual guarantee that the bill will sail through, just like it did in Washington state.

If this passes in California, many other states are poised to follow, in domino fashion. When they see how easy all that was, what’s next? Permission not to euthanize? Permission not to get chemotherapy? Permission not to get bypass surgery? Without exaggeration or hysteria, this Bill represents the floodgates to a whole new era of government as medicine, medicine as government.

Freedom with permission. Last chance to object!

View the AB2109 Bill here

["Freedom With Permission - The End of Debate," reprinted with the permission of Dr. Tim O'Shea, DC, from The Doctor Within newsletter, April. ]

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