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Natural options for cancer not only exist but have a huge body of scientific literature supporting them. Why don't more know about it? Both and Ty Bollinger's documentary, The Truth About Cancer, provide a powerful combination of awareness raising tools to help move the paradigm of cancer prevention and treatment out of the Dark Ages into a compassionate, natural, effective and affordable, root cause resolution approach.'s No. 1 health advocacy is cancer, measured both by the sheer density of research we have collected and reported on the subject over the years, and the primary interest of our user base measured by traffic to cancer-related topics, which includes an average of over 1 million unique visitors monthly.
Our cancer database — a byproduct of a decade of work — now contains thousands of abstracts from published studies documenting the therapeutic or preventive value of natural interventions for cancer, as well as the unintended adverse effects of many conventional appraoches. You can view this free resource here.
We also report regularly on the underappreciated role of overdiagnosis and overtreatment, as well as cancer misclassification, in the present day epidemic that will directly affect 1 in every 4 people. Another topic is the dangers and even cancer-promoting effects of chemotherapy and radiation, with one FDA approved chemotherapy costing 4,000 times more than the weight of gold, even though it was never clinically demonstrated to be effective in a placebo-controlled trial, and has deadly side effects. Clearly it is time for a change.
Check out the Cancer Research Database
For this reason we are excited to spread the word about one of the most popular and authentic awareness raising events in the history of cancer advocacy work: a 9-part docuseries titled, The Truth About Cancer ... A Global Quest, which interviews on site over 100 doctors, survivors and scientists who together break the medical and research community's "code of silence" and expose the truth about cancer: namely, how to support prevention and fight back against cancer 100% naturally.
Best of all, it's free for anyone to watch. Register for free access here. We encourage everyone to tell at least five friends and family about it; especially those who have never been exposed to the information. Here's what you and they can expect to learn about:
Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
(May 16th at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin
Cancer & Essential Oils
(May 17th at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing
& Eating the Rainbow
(May 18th at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing
Cancer with Sound & Light
(May 19th at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy &
The Power of Emotions
(May 20th at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing &
Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic
(May 21st at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural
Sunlight & Combining Superfoods
(May 22nd at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing
with Micronutrient Therapy
(May 23rd at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory
(May 24th at 9:00pm Eastern US time)
In this groundbreaking series, Sayer Ji, founder of, reveals the incredible depth of scientific validation supporting the complementary and alternative (CAM) medical movement, making an appearance in all but one episode.
Get access to Sayer's interview preview here.
So, how did the docuseries come about?
Ty Bollinger lost seven family members to cancer. He decided to uncover why cancer exists. What causes cancer? How does a person get cancer? How do you stop cancer?
Current statistics show 1 in 2 men, and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer. At present, modern solutions for healing cancer have a documented 2.1% success rate. Which means 1 in 50 people diagnosed with cancer are likely to survive using popular mainstream methods of healing.
Starting April 12th through April 20th a full 11-part cancer documentary mini-series called The Quest For The Cures ... Global Quest is re-airing online for free to anyone who wishes to watch. This riveting documentary interviews 51 cancer experts to educate people around the world on cancer. Its aim is to expose hidden truths about cancer while providing leading solutions for people to prevent and potentially heal themselves of cancer.
Few people realize how quickly cancer is spreading. In the early 1900s roughly 3 in 100 people were diagnosed with cancer. Today cancer has spread so quickly 41 in 100 people are expected to die from the disease, making cancer one of the world's leading causes of death.
Ty Bollinger in an interview from Truth About Cancer. Watch the trailer and register for free access here.
This nine-part documentary series is being shown for free to the world in an online viewing event to spread awareness and reveal the truth about cancer. Statistics indicate cancer will affect you personally, a close family member or someone you know. This documentary series is shared to educate the masses and build support for the mission to eradicate cancer from our planet.
The Truth About Cancer: Global Quest seeks out and interviews experts all across the U.S. Each documentary gives you an in-depth education as doctors, cancer experts and cancer survivors are interviewed. Inside these documentaries the discussion covers leading causes of cancer, what can be done to protect yourself from getting cancer, and little known and effective methods of supporting healing from this disease once you are diagnosed.
Within the documentary series, you watch as Ty leaves his family to travel across the U.S. from city to city, coast to coast, interviewing experts with vast cancer knowledge. You see as answers to the causes of cancer are exposed. You watch as methods of prevention are discussed. Finally, you hear as potential ways to heal cancer are gathered, explored and learned about fully.
However, Ty doesn't stop there. Last year, Ty's efforts helped make a wish come true for a boy who was battling cancer. He has also given back heavily to cancer charities. In addition to raising awareness and educating people about cancer, Ty and his organization are donating to charities for independent cancer research. This year Ty's goal is to donate over $150,000 for cancer research.
Ty's mission is to educate people and expose the truth about cancer as we eradicate this disease from our lives. Join the movement and support the mission to eradicate cancer. And please remember to share this with friends and family. 99.9% of the public still has no idea how to take back control of their health destiny. The answer may already be here!
To find out more information and watch this nine-part documentary series for free go to