Could GMOs Be Behind Your Digestive Problems?

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Could GMOs Be Behind Your Digestive Problems?

Digestive Problems? Don't wait for science to sort it out, do your own test on the GMO effects on your health

The debate rages on as to whether genetically modified foods are safe for human consumption. While sixty-one countries--including most of the European nations, Brazil, and even China--require labeling on GMO products, our own country has no such protection in place for its citizens. There are also a growing number of countries who are refusing our GMO tainted exports, as is the case with the long grain rice Japan refused as far back as 2006 after tests revealed the rice contained trace amounts of GMO that were not approved for human consumption.

America's investor, Bill Gates, who purchased 500,000 shares of a biotech giant in 2010 says GMO crops are needed to fight worldwide starvation. Great Britain's Prince Charles has warned for years that companies developing those genetically modified crops risk creating the biggest environmental disaster of all time.

Meanwhile, the 20-year unofficial experiment here in America on many unsuspecting consumers has not yielded a sizeable number of provable studies as to the definitive health impact caused by GMOs in our food supply. And make no mistake, they're in our food supply. Genetically modified organisms are in an estimated 80% of the processed foods in our grocery stores, and some say they're responsible for the growing number of people suffering from a wide variety of symptoms, particularly digestive issues.

Take the alleged possibility of a connection between GMO foods and intestinal hyperpermeability, or leaky gut syndrome, for example. Leaky gut syndrome results when tight junctions, which help to maintain a barrier in the gut, are altered or damaged, and unwanted toxins, microbes, undigested food or even waste pass into the bloodstream. These out-of-place substances trigger an immune reaction. It is a somewhat new and only partially understood phenomenon, but it appears to be presenting more frequently. A host of issues could be to blame for it (including any of the many suboptimal foods that are common in the SAD, Standard American Diet), but the fact that the condition has been on the rise since GMOs were introduced into our food supply is suspect.

Test yourself to see if your symptoms improve

If you're one of the growing number of people suffering from leaky gut syndrome, digestive disorders, chronic inflammation, or even general malaise, consider doing your own experiment. For three months, make it a point to eat only organic, non-GMO food and see if at the end of that time your health issues improve. Many people find their symptoms disappear after only a few weeks.

At the North Florida Spine and Wellness Institute here in Tallahassee, Florida, Dr. David Hartz, DC, has seen an increasing number of patients with widespread symptoms ranging from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, allergies and Autism, among others.

"One of the many toxins we find that are negatively impacting people's health are Genetically Modified Organisms", says Dr. Hartz. "Many people have no idea how GMOs negatively affect their health until they remove those foods from their diet and until they deal with the toxins accumulated in the body--in tissues, organs, cellular and intracellular levels--and positive changes begin to occur." 

Detoxing your body from unwanted toxins should be done under a doctor's care. It's not enough to detox your bowels, you must eliminate toxins on multiple levels (tissues, organs, cellular, intracellular).

In response to the groundswell of requests for the labeling of GMO foods nationwide, States are taking matters into their own hands. Responding to citizen requests across all party lines here in Florida, Representative Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda filed House Bill 1 (HB 1) on August 15, 2013 concerning labeling genetically engineered foods.

Opposition is expected from national and international corporations. The bill must pass through committees before it ultimately goes to the House floor. Some bills that are filed are never heard for discussion, so the work of the people is far from over. The grassroots movement which continues to gain momentum is vital to the success of this bill making its way through the channels.

Florida citizens are urged to contact your Representative and let him/her know you want this bill to be on the Agenda. Go to the Florida House of Representatives website ( to find out who your legislators are, and to follow HB 1 and committee meetings.

Of course, without the mandatory labeling of GMO products here in the U.S., you'll have a little tougher time finding the non-GMO products, but it can be done.

Start with your breakfast. Consider that breakfast cereals most likely contain genetically modified corn, soy and other ingredients. Avoid these cereals in particular:

Cocoa Puffs, Kix, Honey Nut Chex, Corn Chex, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, Corn Pops and Corn Flakes, Quaker Honey Graham Oh's, Kashi Heart to Heart

Keep in mind that GMO cereals and food products are commonly directed toward children who are consuming the most genetically modified foods at a time when optimum nutrition is required for proper cell growth and function. 

It is better to break your fast with protein that carbohydrates anyway, so consider ditching the cereals for a high protein breakfast. (Try these suggestions from the author's article: "What's for Breakfast?")

Choose Produce Carefully

An easy way to be sure your produce has not been genetically modified is to grow it yourself or shop from local farmers markets and get to know your farmer and his growing methods. But if you must buy your produce from grocery stores, make it a point to check the Price Look Up (plu) code stickers on produce:

GMO fruit has 5 numbers that begin with the number 8.
Conventional produce has 4 numbers beginning with 4.
Organic produce begins with the number 9.

There is no difference in appearance of fruits and vegetables which are genetically modified. Produce such as seedless watermelon and tangelos are natural hybrids rather than genetically engineered.

Read More:

American Academy of Environmental Medicine:
Position Paper on Genetically Modified Organisms

Institute for Responsible Technology:

10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs

North Florida Spine and Wellness Institute, Tallahassee, Florida:

Articles of Interest:

Crowd Control - Healing the Gut

Do You Have the Guts to Try the GAPS DietYour Daily Bread May Be Killing You

Secrets to Eating Organic on a Budget

Shopping Guides:

Non-GMO Shopping Guide

App: Shop NoGMO iphone

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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