COVID-19 Vaccine Tested on Babies Even as Death Toll Mounts

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  • Mid-March 2021, Moderna started testing its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years
  • As of March 5, 2021, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received 31,079 adverse reaction reports for COVID-19 vaccines, including 1,551 deaths
  • Using March 5 VAERS statistics, assuming all deaths have been reported as required, the lethality rate of COVID-19 vaccines is 0.0028%
  • CDC statistics puts the death rate following COVID mRNA vaccination at 0.0024% -- significantly higher than that following influenza vaccination at 0.0000265%
  • There are compelling reasons to suspect these vaccines may contribute to death further down the line, perhaps months or a few years into the future. Those ending up with permanent disability as a result of these vaccines will be at increased risk of early death, and there's no telling how these vaccines might impact the longevity of children

If early statistics are any indication, we are facing the greatest public health calamity in modern history. No, I'm not talking about a third, fourth or fifth wave of COVID-19. I'm talking about the current vaccination campaign. I have no doubt that deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines will end up far exceeding the number of actual COVID-19 deaths.

The greatest tragedy here is that while COVID-19 kills already unhealthy elderly individuals who are just years from their natural death, the vaccines are killing the young and healthy who typically have many more decades to live. From my perspective, there's simply no justification for this. There's no "greater good" argument that can ever make this type of tradeoff OK.

Equally unjustifiable is the fact that death within months of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test was automatically pegged as a COVID-19 death, whereas death within days or even hours of the vaccine is shrugged off as coincidental, no matter how many times it happens. It is reprehensibly inexcusable the way these deaths are being attributed.

Now, these experimental gene therapy "vaccines" are being tested on young children and even babies as young as 6 months old, the ramifications of which are wholly unknown.

According to Forbes1 and The New York Times,2 Moderna has officially started testing its vaccine on children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years. A total of 6,750 children will be included in the trial. Testing on 12- to 17-year-olds began in December 2020, the data from which are still unpublished. Considering what's happening in the adult population, testing on young children and babies seems extremely premature and risky beyond belief.

Deaths Mount by the Week

Unfortunately, there's no simple way to keep tabs on vaccine-related deaths. Each country has its own reporting mechanism, and vaccine reactions aren't always properly reported.

In the U.S., for example, past investigations have shown only somewhere between 1%3 and 10%4 are ever reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is a passive, voluntary reporting system.

Granted, unlike other vaccines, deaths following COVID-19 vaccination are supposedly required to be reported,5 so perhaps VAERS data are more reliable for COVID-19 vaccines than for others. As of yet, though, it's impossible to confirm that all related deaths are in fact being reported.

VAERS data processed as of March 5, 2021, show a total of 1,551 deaths. (This includes all locations, ages, genders and location of vaccine administration.) At that time, a total of 31,079 adverse reaction reports had been filed for COVID-19 vaccines, which means deaths account for 4.99% of adverse events. Life-threatening events account for 3.56% of total side effects reported, and permanent disability accounts for 2.10% of total side effects reported.

Comparing COVID-19 and Vaccine Death Rates

Another difficulty is matching different data sets together. For example, to put these numbers into greater context, you'd want to know how many people have been vaccinated as of that same date, March 5, 2021.

This too can be tricky to determine, as vaccination statistics6 will often use breakdowns such as the number of vaccinated people per 100, or vaccine doses administered, which doesn't tell you how many people were vaccinated, seeing how some vaccines require a single dose while others require two.

Accepting those limitations, we can at least get an approximate idea. Using Our World in Data's statistics,7 as of March 5, 2021, 55.55 million Americans had received at least one dose. (Another graph shows that as of March 5, 28.7 million Americans were considered fully vaccinated, having received all prescribed doses. However, since side effects can occur after the first dose, I will use that statistic.)

Dividing reported deaths, 1,551, by the number of people having received at least one dose, 55,550,000, we end up with a reported lethality rate of 0.0028%. If only 10% of adverse events are reported to VAERS, we're looking at approximately 15,510 deaths and a lethality rate of 0.028%.

If only 1% are reported, there may be around 155,100 deaths, and vaccines may be killing 0.28% of all who get them. Again, while any and all deaths following COVID-19 vaccination are supposed to be reported, it's still unclear whether mandatory reporting is actually taking place.

While 0.0028% or even 0.28% might not seem like a shockingly high percentage of deaths, it's hard to justify even a single death of a young and healthy individual. For comparison, the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio from COVID-19, for all age groups, is 0.26%. Those under 40 have only a 0.01% risk of dying from COVID-19 if infected.8

As of right now, the vaccine may not match or exceed the lethality of COVID-19 itself, but we're only three months into the vaccination campaign. According to NPR,9 21.7% of the U.S. population had received at least one vaccine dose as of March 16, 2021.

There are compelling reasons to suspect these vaccines may contribute to death further down the line, perhaps months or a few years into the future. Those ending up with permanent disability as a result of these vaccines will be at increased risk of early death, for example, and there's no telling how these vaccines might impact the longevity of children.

If premature death occurs a year or more down the line, it's unlikely that anyone will suspect it being connected to the vaccine. Right now, even deaths that occur within 24 hours in people who were young and in good health are chalked up to coincidence, which is truly remarkable.

Comparing COVID-19 Vaccines With Flu Vaccines

Another way to judge the lethality of COVID-19 vaccines is to compare it to seasonal flu vaccines which, by the way, used to account for a majority of vaccine injuries. As reported by The Vaccine Reaction:10

"The death rate following COVID mRNA vaccination is much higher than that following influenza vaccination. The CDC's data allows only a ballpark estimation of the rate of deaths following flu vaccination. In the 2019-2020 influenza season the CDC reports that 51.8 percent of the U.S. population received a vaccine, which is approximately 170 million people.

VAERS reports that in the calendar year 2019 (not the 2019-2020 influenza season) there were 45 deaths following vaccination. To provide context, in 2018 VAERS reports 46 deaths, and in 2017 it reports 20 deaths.

The 45 deaths in 2019 are occurring at a rate of 0.0000265% when calculated using the number of vaccines given in the 2019–2020 influenza season. As of Feb. 26, 47,184,199 COVID vaccinations had been given with 1,136 deaths reported following vaccination, which is approximately a rate of .0024%."

Are These Deaths Pure Coincidence?

As of March 5, 2021, the youngest recorded death shortly following COVID-19 vaccination was 23.11 Among the more recent reports is that of a healthy 39-year-old mother who died of multiple organ failure just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna vaccine.12

The average age of death post-vaccination is 75 and older,13 which is near-identical to the age of death for COVID-19 itself. However, whereas COVID-19 primarily kills elderly in nursing homes who have multiple comorbidities, the vaccines are cutting lives short among elderly who appear to be in relatively good health.

Examples include baseball legend Hank Aaron, who died in his sleep 17 days after receiving the vaccine. He was 86. His death was reported as completely natural and unrelated to the vaccine.14

Another is that of boxing champ Marvin Hagler who, according to his friend Thomas Hearns, was admitted to the ICU due to side effects from his COVID-19 vaccination. (Hearns had posted on his Instagram and Twitter accounts that Hagler was in the hospital ICU "fighting the after effects of the vaccine" and that he wanted fans to pray for his recovery.15

His posts have since been removed, but a screenshot of a retweet16 by Tariq Nasheed is still available.) Hagler died shortly thereafter. He was 66.

I suspect that once more celebrities start dying from the vaccines, more people might start to rethink their decision to get vaccinated. Mainstream media and industry-allied fact checkers are working overtime, though, to "debunk" any suggestion of a link between deaths and the vaccines.

Side Effects Range From Mild to Serious

Aside from sudden death,17,18,19,20,21,22 which is most serious of all, a range of other side effects are being reported, many of which will have a significant impact on quality of life. Examples of side effects reported after vaccination with Pfizer's, Moderna's and AstraZeneca's vaccines from around the world include:

Persistent malaise23,24

Bell's Palsy25,26,27

Extreme exhaustion28

Swollen, painful lymph nodes

Severe allergic, including anaphylactic reactions29,30,31

Thrombocytopenia (a rare, often lethal blood disorder)32,33

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome34 and/or myocarditis35

Miscarriages and premature birth.36,37,38 As of March 5, 2021, 85 cases of miscarriage or premature birth had been reported39

Chronic seizures and convulsions40,41

Severe headache/migraine that does not respond to medication


Sleep disturbances

Psychological effects such as mood changes, anxiety, depression, brain fog, confusion, dissociation and temporary inability to form words

Cardiac problems, including myocardial and tachycardia disorders43

Blindness, impaired vision and eye disorders44,45


As reported by The Defender, March 5, 2021, while vaccine injury reports are growing in number, consistent trends have emerged, including the following:48

  • Overall, 31% of deaths have occurred within 48 hours of vaccination
  • People who report getting sick within 48 hours of vaccination account for 47% of deaths
  • About 20% of deaths are cardiac-related

A majority of these side effects are from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which use mRNA technology. The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vector genetically engineered to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein instead. However, while many hoped this vaccine would be safer than mRNA versions, this doesn't seem to be the case.

As of March 16, 2021, more than 20 European countries had suspended the use of AstraZeneca's vaccine, either in full or in part, following reports of deadly blood clots.49,50 According to a March 2, 2021, report51 by The Defender, U.K. data show the AstraZeneca vaccine actually has 77% more adverse events and 25% more deaths than the Pfizer vaccine.

Like AstraZeneca's vaccine, Johnson & Johnson's vaccine also uses an adenovirus vector to carry the gene for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into your cells, thereby triggering your cells to produce this protein.52 Business Insider has created a comparison chart53 of the four vaccines currently available in the U.S. and Europe -- Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

Concerned Doctors Speak Out

Sadly, the vaccine debate is nothing if not one-sided. Medical professionals expressing concern are roundly ignored, despite their growing number. Among them is cardiac surgeon and patient advocate Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, who recently sent a public letter54 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner detailing the risks of vaccinating individuals who have previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2, or who have an active SARS-CoV-2 infection.

He's urging the FDA to require prescreening for SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins to reduce the risk of injuries and deaths following vaccination. He warns the vaccine may trigger an adverse immune response in those who have already been infected with the virus.

Immunologist Dr. Bart Classen has also warned there is troubling evidence suggesting some mRNA shots may cause prion diseases such as Alzheimer's and ALS,55 and Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist specializing in multisystem inflammatory syndrome, has expressed concern about mRNA vaccines' ability to cause "microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in safety trials."56

Doctors for COVID Ethics Want Answers to Safety Questions

February 28, 2021, a dozen doctors and scientists with Doctors for COVID Ethics published an open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), expressing a number of concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. It reads, in part:57

"We note that a wide range of side effects is being reported following vaccination of previously healthy younger individuals with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. Moreover, there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents.

While we recognize that these occurrences might … have been unfortunate coincidences, we are concerned that there has been and there continues to be inadequate scrutiny of the possible causes of illness or death under these circumstances …"

Doctors for COVID Ethics is requesting the EMA provide responses to a series of questions, including evidence that gene-based vaccines won't enter the bloodstream and disseminate throughout the body and be taken up by endothelial cells, and that platelet activation won't result in disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Importantly, they also "demand conclusive evidence that an actual emergency existed at the time of the EMA granting conditional marketing authorization" for all three vaccines, seeing how by the time the vaccines became available, "health systems of most countries were no longer under imminent threat of being overwhelmed because a growing proportion of the world had already been infected and the worst of the pandemic had already abated."

If the EMA fails to produce all of the evidences requested, the group demands "that approval for use of gene-based vaccines be withdrawn" until all safety issues have been properly addressed.

What to Do if You Regret Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

If you already got the vaccine and now regret it, you may be able to address your symptoms using the same strategies you'd use to treat actual SARS-CoV-2 infection. I review these strategies at the end of "Why COVID Vaccine Testing Is a Farce."

Additionally, if you're experiencing side effects, please help raise public awareness by reporting it. The Children's Health Defense is calling on all who have suffered a side effect from a COVID-19 vaccine to do these three things:58

  1. If you live in the U.S., file a report on VAERS
  2. Report the injury on, which is a nongovernmental adverse event tracker (you can file anonymously if you like)
  3. Report the injury on the CHD website

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.

The conference's theme was "Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century" and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.

In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they're censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.



Forbes March 16, 2021

New York Times March 17, 2021 (Archived)

The Vaccine Reaction January 9, 2020

BMJ 2005;330:433

5, 10 The Vaccine Reaction March 13, 2021

Our World in Data COVID-19 Vaccination

Our World in Data COVID-19 Vaccination, Number of people who received at least one dose as of March 5, 2021

Annals of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352

NPR March 16, 2021, Updated March 17, 2021

11, 48 The Defender March 5, 2021

12 The Vaccine Reaction March 15, 2021

13 NVIC March 5, 2021 VAERS data

14 January 27, 2021

15 Fox News March 15, 2021

16 Twitter Tariq Nasheed March 13, 2021

17 Daily Star December 30, 2020

18 RT January 4, 2021

19 The Defender January 7, 2021

20 The Vaccine Reaction January 24, 2021

21, 26, 36, 44, 46 Gov.UK Weekly Summary of Yellow Card Reporting February 25, 2021

22, 27, 37, 45, 47 Principia Scientific International February 9, 2021

23 Facebook Haley Nelson December 30, 2020

24 Facebook Tara Sekikawa December 27, 2020

25 Mirror December 11, 2020

28 Facebook Karl Dunkin case January 5, 2021

29 RT December 26, 2020

30 The Defender December 21, 2020

31 Anaphylaxis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine receipt (PDF)

32 The New York Times February 8, 2021 (Archived)

33 Newsweek February 10, 2021

34 The Defender January 12, 2021

35 Israel National News February 15, 2021

38, 39 March 5, 2021

40 Facebook, Shawn Skelton January 7, 2021

41 WioNews January 2, 2021

42 Facebook, Alanna Tonge-Jelley January 9, 2021

43 The Defender February 16, 2021

49 The Defender March 16, 2021 Countries Suspend AstraZeneca Vaccine

50 The Defender March 11, 2021

51 The Defender March 2, 2021

52 New York Times February 27, 2021

53 Business Insider March 1, 2021

54 Medium February 15, 2021

55 Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2021; 5(1): 1-3 (PDF)

56 University of California Public Comment related to consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, December 8, 2020 (PDF)

57 Doctors for COVID Ethics February 28, 2021

58 The Defender January 25, 2021

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This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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