COVID Patients Recover 11 Days Sooner Thanks to Virgin Coconut Oil

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A new randomized controlled trial provides compelling evidence that virgin coconut oil can accelerate recovery from COVID-19 by rapidly resolving symptoms and reducing inflammation

A randomized, single-blind trial published in the Journal of Nutritional Science demonstrated virgin coconut oil (VCO) effectively relieves symptoms and inflammation among COVID-19 positive adults.1 Researchers supplemented 76 confirmed COVID-19 patients exhibiting mild-to-moderate illness severity with VCO doses of 0.6-1.2 mL/kg body weight after meals (this equates to 2.5 teaspoons (37.5 mL) to 5 teaspoons (75 mL) for a 150 lb adult.). These VCO recipients recovered fully by day 14 based on freedom from all symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, nausea, headache, and loss of smell or taste. They also displayed normalized C-reactive protein (CRP) blood concentrations by day 14. CRP levels correlate with ongoing infection and inflammation, spiking above 5 mg/L.2 In contrast, the control group patients receiving only regular care remained symptomatic until day 23, with CRP normalization by day 25.  

The significantly faster recovery timelines with VCO supplementation align with smaller prior studies among suspect COVID-19 cases that found similar symptom improvements and CRP lowering effects.3 The current trial design deliberately confirmed COVID-19 positive status via PCR diagnostics before randomizing patients into the virgin coconut oil or standard care groups. This approach provides more definitive evidence of efficacy as an adjuvant therapy specifically for COVID-19 illness compared to previous observational research.

Mechanistically, the main components in VCO - lauric acid and monolaurin - likely drove its antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions to hasten COVID-19 recovery. Past in vitro research shows both lauric acid and monolaurin can disintegrate protective viral envelopes, preventing virus survival and replication.4,5 They also suppress activity of pro-inflammatory genes that perpetuate symptoms like fever, malaise, and tissue damage.6 Thus, the abundance of lauric acid and monolaurin in VCO supplements provided to patients in this trial plausibly attenuated SARS-CoV-2 virus levels while calming excessive immune responses, ultimately accelerating healing.

Though this well-designed trial strongly indicates supplemental VCO lessens COVID-19 severity, larger studies are still needed to corroborate and extend these findings. Future research should investigate optimal dosing strategies, standardized preparations highest in bioactive lipids like lauric acid, plus Holistic impacts on additional markers of metabolism, oxidative stress, and physical function. Still, the dramatically faster symptom improvements already seen constitute clinically meaningful benefits for patient health and quality of life. VCO's excellent safety profile7 also makes it an accessible adjuvant everyone can potentially integrate for improved resilience. Ultimately, leveraging safe, plant-based therapeutics like VCO underscores lifestyle as foundational to optimizing wellness - including throughout emerging outbreaks.

In essence, this new randomized controlled trial substantiates VCO supplementation swiftly improves patient recovery from COVID-19 infection. Identifying accessible, natural healing aids remains imperative to enhancing care for current and future pandemic preparedness.  

Consult our coconut oil database to learn more about its many health benefits here.

Learn more about natural approaches to Covid-19 here.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON 'GERM THEORY' AND COVID-19: Discussion of COVID-19 and infectious disease often comes with a wide range of unexamined assumptions, including the presumed lethality of viral particles, or even that viruses per se exist as classically defined by virologists. This is not something that should go without discussion and debate, as the topic deserves a much deeper exploration than is presently being conducted by the mainstream media and conventional medical authorities. In order to rectify this conspicuous lacunae, Sayer Ji has presented an alternative perspective which calls into question conventional models of infectious disease and contagion attributed to viruses, replacing it with what he calls the Xenogen Hypothesis. Learn more by watching his two presentations on the topic. 1) Covid-19: is it really about a virus? And 2) A New Biophysical Paradigm: Viruses, Exosomes, & Infection with Sayer Ji


1. Angeles-Agdeppa, I., Nacis, J. S., Dayrit, F. M. & Tanda, K. V. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) supplementation relieves symptoms and inflammation among COVID-19 positive adults: a single-blind randomized trial. Journal of Nutritional Science 13, e5 (2024).

2. Ali, N. Elevated level of C-reactive protein may be an early marker to predict risk for severity of COVID-19. J. Med. Virol. 92, 2409-2411 (2020).

3. Angeles-Agdeppa, I. et al. Virgin coconut oil is effective in lowering C-reactive protein levels among suspect and probable cases of COVID-19. Journal of Functional Foods 83, 104557 (2021).

4. Hierholzer, J. C. & Kabara, J. J. In vitro effects of monolaurin compounds on enveloped RNA and DNA viruses. Journal of Food Safety 4, 1-12 (1982).

5. Hornung, B., Amtmann, E. & Sauer, G. Lauric acid inhibits the maturation of vesicular stomatitis virus. Virology 202, 383-392 (1994).

6. Varma, S. R. et al. In vitro anti-inflammatory and skin protective properties of virgin coconut oil. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 9, 5-14 (2019). 

7. Chew, Y. L. The beneficial properties of virgin coconut oil in management of atopic dermatitis. Pharmacognosy Reviews 13, 24-27 (2019).

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