Dr. Google Will See You Now

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Authoritarianism has emerged in Silicon Valley. Google no longer helps you find what you are truly looking for. Instead, they now customize results to satisfy their wants and needs. Individual results might vary

Google's audacious tyranny, which includes censorship, surveillance, and mind control, is accelerating at a wicked clip. It's hard to keep up. The planet's leading search engine is stealthily infiltrating areas/sectors of our society, including elections, news, finances, health, not to mention your mind, all the while 'vacuuming' and usurping data, to become a megalithic repository.


November 1st:

Google's parent company Alphabet acquired FitBit for a cool $2.1 billion, adding it to the other 200 companies it owns.

November 12th:

The Wall Street Journal reports via an anonymous 'source' within Google that the company has been accessing millions of patients' personal health data alongside Ascension, the largest Catholic health system in the world, without patient consent.

The deal between Google and Ascension authorizing the data transfer was formally signed hours after The Wall Street Journal broke the story.

The same day, Ascension put out a notification stating that there was no breach of data and that their collaboration is (somehow) entirely compliant with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations of 1996 (more on this later).

November 14th:

The Wall Street Journal reports that attorney generals representing 48 states, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, announced the opening of a sweeping antitrust investigation into Google.

The Guardian publishes an opinion piece titled "I'm the Google whistleblower. The medical data of millions of Americans is at risk."

Mind Control, Surveillance, Wicked Genius

The amount of surveillance, manipulation, and mind control that Google is guilty of beckons the slogan: "Make George Orwell Fiction Again."

Courtesy Zach Vorhies


It sounds outlandish and SciFi until you untangle the wicked genius.

To begin, one can review the evidence Google software-engineer-turned-whistleblower handed over to the Department of Justice and Project Veritas in August 2019.

Although mainstream media coverage has been slow to catch on, the 950 pages 39-year-old Zach Vorhies provided, which includes two blacklists, confirms Google's nefarious ways.

Three years prior, Dr. Robert Epstein, Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, and former editor in chief of Psychology Today had already identified at least nine different blacklists and wrote about it in a piece for US News and World Report titled "The New Censorship."

It was 2016, and he was already calling the company 'the world's biggest censor.'

In October 2019 of the American Priority's Conference in Miami, Vorhies's astounding presentation further unpacked Google's maniacal plan to allow machines to unfairly control our minds to serve their agenda under the guise of benevolence. Google calls it "Machine Learning Fairness." In this world that Vorhies exposes objective reality itself is bias.

"I think it's just going to get harder [for the mainstream] to ignore because Zach walked off with 950 pages of documents and an internal video," says Dr. Robert Epstein.

Next, after surveillance and censorship, comes what some term 'mind control.' One solid example of manipulation is how Google has rigged organic search results (a tenet of its initial genesis) and turned them into autocomplete suggestions.

Carefully constructed sets of search suggestions can be used to shift people's searches and hence their opinions, Dr. Epstein has observed in studies.

He demonstrated the predictability of people's clicks in response to "autocomplete" search suggestions; a manipulation he labeled the "Search Suggestion Effect" (SSE).

And then, in a series of controlled experiments reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in 2015, Epstein and Robertson demonstrated the power that search results have to shift people's opinions and voting preferences without their realizing -- up to 80 percent in some demographic groups. They labeled this the "Search Engine Manipulation Effect" (SEME).

Turns out internet search rankings have a significant impact on consumer choices, mainly because users trust and choose higher-ranked results more than lower-ranked results.

"Because search engines are currently unregulated, and because SSE is largely invisible to people, it is potentially quite dangerous as a possible means of manipulation, especially when used in combination with SEME," concludes Dr. Robert Epstein.

"Suppressing negative search suggestions can be used to shift opinions about any topic -- even about Google itself."

Googleplex: UnFit Developments & Privacy Bit Issues

James Park, co-founder and CEO of Fitbit, announced with exuberance the recent purchase of his company.

Critics suspect the sale was most welcome because Fitbit had reached its peak; this was a way of 'cashing out.' As of last year, Fitbit's revenue and value took a dive. It's no longer the fittest 'smartwatch in town.'

"Google is an ideal partner to advance our mission. With Google's resources and global platform, Fitbit will be able to accelerate innovation in the wearables category, scale faster, and make health even more accessible to everyone," Park stated in a press release.

Given the scrutiny that Google was already facing from lawmakers in prior months, and FitBit's seeming desire to make sure this deal went through, the two companies even negotiated a $250 million breakup fee with the Securities And Exchange Commission in case of "a failure to obtain Antitrust Approvals," reported Wired.

"I could not be more excited for what lies ahead,"Park added.

Others, however, couldn't be more terrified of the future present, given Google's recent shenanigans.

"If people knew the extent of their power, they literally would not be able to sleep at night," Epstein told Dr. Gary Null during a recent episode of The Progressive Hour. "And I have some trouble myself [in that department]."


FitBit, a 'platform-agnostic' company, gives Google access to more than 28 million active users in 86 countries, which amounts to heaps of personal health data at their disposal.

FitBit-now-Google has access to these median statistics, along with information such as:

Google maintains that they respect users' privacy, but many aren't so sure.

"Fitbit as far as we know didn't share data with advertisers for manipulative purposes, [but] Google will," says Epstein. "Now [with Fitbit] they're going to have around the clock information about our activity levels."

Others are equally suspicious.


Dr. Janice Duffy Ph.D., and researcher, who's been suing Google for defamation in Australia for the past eight years, points to Google's now sycophant Wikipedia, for an overview concerning privacy.


A Reputation In The Making: Flouting The Law, Anti-Trust Violations

"Google cannot be trusted with people's health -- and have already flouted the law for years," adds Dr. Duffy, who has received death threats in the form of notes lest she drops her case against Google.

Here is a quick overview of Google's current track record on privacy & security.

  • In August of 2011, The Department of Justice issued a press release, outlining how Google allowed online Candian pharmacies to place ads via Adwords, violating Food and Drug laws. Out of Rhode Island court, Google signed a Non-Prosecution Agreement (read: a settlement with the government for a corporation to avoid criminal prosecution), and forfeited $500 million (one of the largest forfeitures in U.S. History), for selling that many drugs from Canada in gross revenue. (I guess this where the adage if you can't beat them, join them kicked in).
  • Google has been found culpable of violations of privacy in the EU for not properly disclosing to users how their data is collected and used for targeted advertising.
  • In the USA, Google was fined $170 million for illegally collecting personal information from children without their parents' consent.
  • In November 2017, Google breached Android users' Privacy secretly. "Google continued to monitor people even when users turned off tracking," adds Vorhies.
  • And Australia is currently suing Google for making false or misleading claims about which personal location data it was collecting.
  • On November 19, 2019, a huge vulnerability was discovered on millions of Android/Google phones that lets a malicious app take control of the camera and take pictures and video without the user knowing.


Critics understandably wonder whether the data they acquire with the purchase of Fitbit will be sold to employers, insurance companies, financial firms, and whoever is interested in knowing about your health and disease status.

As digital health expert and journalist Bruce Y. Lee writes in Forbes, "health data reveals what you can and cannot do, your vulnerabilities, limitations, or what others may view as such."

What if you are deemed an 'algorithmic health risk?" Then what? What if employers or lenders get a hold of your health information?

Given these stats and considerations, trashing your wrist device is your best option, unless you don't mind Google monitoring you 24 hours a day, knowing how many hours you've slept, the number of steps you've taken, your heart rate, and how to probably quicken it.


"Oh, I would definitely trash the Fitbit," concurs Epstein. "I have convinced people to throw away Amazon's Alexa, to throw away the Google home device." Owners are indeed 'ditching their devices' over this acquisition.

"Google is in the advertising and data-mining business. That's what they do. Google only acquires companies like this for one purpose and that is for surveillance and manipulation," contends Epstein.

If you need an example of a company that was benign until it was purchased by Google, look to Nest, says Epstein. Initially, Nest was a very good smart thermostat that could save you money and keep you comfy in your home. Once it was owned by Google, it was discovered that there were microphones and cameras in the thermostats, cameras in it. (Read more about the creepy privacy concerns this raises.)

Deep State: Deep Data


The world's most precious asset today is no longer oil but data. Big Tech collectively racked up over $25bn in net profit in the first quarter of 2017, according to The Economist.

Let's look at some of Google statistics:

  • Google indexes more than 45 billion web pages; its next-biggest competitor, Microsoft's Bing, indexes a mere 14 billion in comparison.
  • Every minute, an estimated 3.8 million queries are typed into Google.
  • As the number one visited website in the world, Google receives 5.6 billion searches per day controlling 90% of global search traffic.
  • People use Google to search for about 1 billion health questions a day," according to author and health professional Joe Cohen, who has been censored by Google.
  • Eighty percent of internet users have searched for a health-related topic online, according to a recent study.
  • Google has long been investing in DNA repositories, according to Epstein. In 2008, Google invested in geneticist George Church of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and his team who were decoding the human genome, reported Bloomberg. Google was a primary investor in 23andMe, which was in fact co-founded by Anne Wojcicki, Google co-founder Sergey Brin's now ex-wife. Google invested at least $6.5 million. Brin loaned 23andMe $10 million in June. Navigenics and Editas Medicine Inc. has also received money from Google. Calico, a biotechnology firm created by Alphabet delved into the genetic database Ancestry.com to look for hereditary influences on longevity.

"When DNA profiles become part of people's dossiers, Google will have crossed a potentially frightening threshold: it will know far more about people than they know themselves -- what diseases people are likely to get (think of the marketing opportunities), what their racial origins are, which dads have been cuckolded. The possibilities are endlessly outrageous," Dr. Epstein wrote in an opinion piece titled Google's Gotcha for U.S. News & World Report.

Google wields a lot more power over you when combined with so many other data sets.

Project Nightmare: Your Life In A Cloud


On November 12, The Wall Street Journal reported that Google and Ascension, the second-largest health system in the country, secretly shared the records of patients in 21 states. Fifty millionish American patients weren't notified or given an opportunity to opt-in or out. Doctors apparently weren't either.


The collaboration, which began last year, was named "Project Nightingale" and its aim was to crunch health data for treatment and administrative purposes. And then transfer it all to its Google Cloud division, which develops AI-based services for medical providers.

Google Cloud President Tariq Shaukat said in a blog post the day before WSJ broke the story that the aim of Project Nightingale is to improve "healthcare experience and outcomes."

"Some of the solutions we are working on with Ascension are not yet in active clinical deployment, but rather are in early testing," he wrote. "This is one of the reasons we used a code name for the work -- in this case, 'Nightingale.'"

In addition to the Cloud team, Google employees with access to patient data included members of Google Brain, which focuses on AI applications.

According to The Guardian, "Google has entered into similar partnerships on a much smaller scale with clients such as the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine. But in that case, all the data handed over to the search giant was encrypted, with keys being held only on the medical side."

The deal between Google and Ascension was formally signed hours after The Wall Street Journal broke the story.

Google affirms that everything with Ascension is being done by the proverbial playbook since it's serving as a business associate, which grants them identifiable health information, albeit with legal parameters.

Google isn't charging Ascension under the notion that this is a pilot project of sorts to see about selling the data to other health care providers, now using their "super" data sets.

Via email, Ascension Executive Vice President Nick Ragone responded to allegations of a data leak stating:

"Where was it reported that there was a data leak or breach?????? We've actually blogged about this collaboration with Google so that we can clear up the sloppy and misinformed reporting on this -- appreciate your taking the time to check with us on the fact."

Google also reiterated innocence with its own release.

"Google's work with Ascension adheres to industry-wide regulations (including HIPAA) regarding patient data, and come with strict guidelines on data privacy, security, and usage. We have a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Ascension, which governs access to Protected Health Information (PHI) for the purpose of helping providers support patient care.

This is standard practice in healthcare, as patient data is frequently managed in electronic systems that nurses and doctors widely used to deliver patient care. To be clear: under this arrangement, Ascension's data cannot be used for any other purpose than for providing these services we're offering under the agreement, and patient data cannot and will not be combined with any Google consumer data."

HIPAA protections are supposed to offer the same rights that prevent doctors from giving outpatients' information without their permission.

This arrangement (read: loophole) is permitted under federal health laws, yet in light of the new digital frontier we find ourselves in, critics and free thinkers question data privacy parameters.

"I think this really highlights the gray areas of HIPAA in that it stretches the boundaries of what a business associate (presumably, Google signed a business associate agreement with Ascension) is permitted to do with PHI under HIPAA," says Elizabeth Litten, HIPAA Privacy and Security Officer and partner at Fox Rothschild LLP.

"It's one thing to provide services on behalf of the covered entity, but when the PHI is being used for Google's own "parallel" efforts to sell its services to other covered entities, that pushes into a different realm. I'd want to also check Ascension's Notice of Privacy Practices to see if adequately alerts patients to how Google might be using their PHI."

Vorhies points to a HIPAA Journal that outlines what seem to be various HIPAA violations.

Courtesy HIPPA Journal

Despite all these possible violations, as Google whistleblower Vorhies points out, there technically hasn't been a breach.


Put another way, "It's known to be a collaboration -- but a secret one that never was disclosed to patients or physicians," says Epstein.

So what about the loss of trust or violation patients may be experiencing?

Isn't it a bit creepy that at least 150 Google employees and staffers at Alphabet had access to full personal details, including name and medical history information, of tens of millions of patients without their awareness or consent? And that their details were being transferred into a virtual Google Cloud?

"The optics are bad," Ellen Wright Clayton, professor of biomedical ethics at Vanderbilt University told The Wall Street Journal. "The legal argument is tenuous. Ethically, this is a bad strategy. They need to tell people what they are doing."

The security and privacy aspects are what prompted the whistleblower to come forth.

He writes,

"So much is at stake. Data security is important in any field, but when that data relates to the personal details of an individual's health, it is of the utmost importance as this is the last frontier of data privacy."

The anonymous whistleblower even attempted to dump hundreds of Project Nightingale-related images of confidential files relating on the social media platform Daily Motion. But it's since been removed.


Among the documents are allegedly the notes of a private meeting held by Ascension operatives involved in Project Nightingale.

In it, they raise serious concerns about the way patients' personal health information will be used by Google to build new artificial intelligence and other tools, he wrote in The Guardian in another piece titled "Google's Secret Cache of Medical Data Includes Names and Full Details of Millions -- Whistleblower."

Despite Google's indignant plea of innocence, attorney generals from 48 states announced an initiative to widen their antitrust probe of Alphabet Inc.'s Google division beyond online advertising business as initially outlined in September.

To this Google's Kent Walker SVP of Global Affairs responded,

"The DOJ has asked us to provide information about these past investigations, and we expect state attorneys general will ask similar questions. We have always worked constructively with regulators and we will continue to do so."

Ironically the blog opens with a complete lie: "Google's services help people, create more choice."

Maybe instead it should say, "Let us offer you all these free services giving you the illusion of choice when in fact you have fewer choices via Google than ever before."

"Everything is for free, right? [Ironically,] we pay with our freedom, but not with money," says Epstein. "Well, what you don't know though is according to Google's terms of service, which we all agree to when we ever use any Google product, Google has the right to track you when you're using a Google product… So Google is tracking you when you don't know you're being tracked."

Here are some other ways via The One Spy,Google Inc. keeps an eye on your data without your knowledge.

The probe will now include Google's search and Android businesses.

When asked for more details on the DOJ case against Google, press assistant, Lauren Ison says the DOJ cannot give specifics at this time. And that there is still not a coordinated effort between the AGs and the DOJ. She referred me to a general press release dated July 23, 2019, which explains on how the DOJ will review the practices of market-leading online platforms.

Inside sources confirm the DOJ has already started sending inquiries regarding big tech companies and possible violations.

Meanwhile, the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Health and Human Services (where the newly appointed Google Health Officer Karen DeSalvo used to work) " would like to learn more information about this mass collection of individuals' medical records with respect to the implications for patient privacy under HIPAA," Roger Severino, Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the HHS, stated via email.

The HHS office has not issued an official press release on this topic either.

While tech moves fast, laws move slow, Epstein reminds us. "So while there are representatives who are speaking against antitrust violations, in the bigger scheme of things Google meanwhile is arguably gaining control over a big part of our society."

Hard to believe when you consider that Googol started as "an obscure, unimaginable concept: the number one followed by 100 zeros."

Today, Google's stated mission statement is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible. But that is no longer the case.

Their initial motto "Don't Be Evil" no longer applies either. It was dropped in 2015 after the Alphabet acquisition. Incidentally, when then-CEO Eric Schmidt was asked in a September 2004 Playboy article how the company determines what evil is, he answered, "Evil is whatever Sergey says is evil."

Are we there yet Brin?

Some, as of late, have even gone so far as to call Google's behavior Christian-like, as if they have a direct line to God. Scary.

Ascension's executive vice president, strategy and innovations Eduardo Conrado, for instance, wrote on behalf of the company that Google passes their ethics review and aligns with their Catholic identity.


When asked how Ascension concluded that Google is consistent with their Catholic identity, Ragone ignored my question, and just sent me a follow-up blog by Conrado.

In it, he writes how basically our ways of keeping data are antiquated.

"In short, most clinicians work in an environment where data is incomplete, inaccessible and delivered in siloed, disjointed bursts of information without context."

And that the digital age and Google's genius is what will help them help you have better control of your health records. He then goes to reassure patients that all there data is secure in this now 'enhanced ecosystem,' and that "under no circumstances is Google allowed to use this data for other purposes or combined with any other Google consumer data."

But how about the fact that Ascension already violated people's privacy when they failed to strip names and other info and shared it with Google employees?

One man's Satan is another man's priest.

Dr. Google Will See You Now: The Hunt For Health

Google's interest in Ascension and FitBit should not come as a surprise. In recent years, Google, via its venture arm GV, has begun to heavily invest in the healthcare industry.

CBInsights report titled How Google Plans To Use AI To Reinvent The $3 Trillion US Healthcare Industry explores Google's many healthcare initiatives and areas of potential future expansion.

When you take a step back and look at all the initiatives and tactics, the stealth infiltration of Big Pharma is unparalleled. Western Medicine is being digitized.

For all intents and purposes Alphabet, Google's parent company, is ostensibly a drug company, owning many pharmaceutical subsidiaries, even investing in a one-size flu vaccine while simultaneously censoring information that challenges the corrupt mainstream western medicine agenda.

Consider too that shareholders, according to SEC's archives, include Morgan Stanley, Goldman, Sachs & Co., Citigroup, and the Lehman Brothers.

CB Insights


The report reads "Google is working on so many initiatives focused on so many different facets of healthcare across so many areas of the
company that the chances of failure are high. But so is the potential
for success."

Let's look at two strategies that Google is employing to control the health space and how it's being carried out:

1. Medical Freedom Censorship, Lies, & Smears

Google is suppressing, de-ranking and ruining independent health sites like GreenMedinfoHoneyColonyMercola, & SelfHacked by making sure their A.I deems them unauthoratative while big corporate pharma websites like Web MD monopolize the first page of results, which is where many people stop their searches.

"What's terrifying is that many of these establishment medical articles landing on the first page do not even have a stated author and make assertions that are contradicted by good science," remarks Vorhies.

Unless you add the website's name i.e. HoneyColony.com, or Mercola.com, the site/article/product that challenges Big Pharma's agenda will NOT show up in searches. Vorhies also unearthed blacklists containing health-related terms like 'cure cancer.'

Courtesy Zach Vorhies


The Wall Street Journal also concluded "Google employees and executives, including co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, have disagreed on how much to intervene on search results and to what extent. Employees can push for revisions in specific search results, including on topics such as vaccinations and autism."

If you Google alternative cancer therapies, for instance, it's going to come back showing conventional therapies and content, devoid of natural remedies. However, it will point you to Wikipedia, which then tells you natural therapies have no science, aren't legitimate, and are just quackery.

"One of the toughest things that I came to realize was that a lot of the information people were seeking on alternative cures, alternative health practices were being slandered by internet sources like Wikipedia," says Vorhies. "And that Google was then using what Wikipedia was stating in order to have a secret score that was being applied to websites."

Read more here on Wikipedia's editing practices.

With their assistance, Google is suppressing health-related information it no longer deems authoritative and burying 'independent' health sites.

"The censorship that is being applied to alternative health is nothing less than demonic," Vorhies stated in an earlier piece for The Epoch Times.

Take, for instance, the Organic Consumers Association, a nonprofit site that has been in business for more than 20 years whose aim is to protect consumers' right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants. Facebook and Google have reduced their search rankings and the reach of their posts. (Specifics to come)

"No doubt because we refuse to toe the line on vaccine safety, Big Pharma drugs, GMOs, and political topics like 9/11. […] while our search engine rankings on strategic issues have also been reduced," Ronnie Cummins shared in an email.

Btw, here is where I learned of a company called Newsguard, whose aim is to 'use journalism to fight false news, misinformation, and disinformation.'

Newsguard calls OCA "fake news."

Look below to see how Newsgaurd deems Zerohedge as inaccurate and not credible, while CNN maintains basic standards of accuracy and accountability. Project Veritas recently exposed CNN as being a corrupt news media outlet, partially given that CNN President Jeff Zucker used to be the president of NBC Entertainment, where he signed up Donald Trump for the reality show The Apprentice. He is anti-Trump and even if he was pro-Trump, this would mark a conflict of interest.



Pete Santilli, the host of The Pete Santilli Show, billed as 'the most controversial host in America' says that a good way to source truth is to follow sites on NewsGuard that have failed their test and gained red strikes. "Newsguard is the worst for accuracy. They're evil."

Who can you trust? Now, of course, this is meant to all be confusing. If you've never heard of Zerohedge, you may be more likely to listen to CNN. The quandary is designed to be circular.

Who appointed any of these big tech companies or news agencies to serve as rulers over news reliability and truth, when many have been found guilty themselves of spreading disinformation.

These platforms-turned-publishers serve the mainstream media that is now made out of repeaters and not reporters they; presstitutes some albeit unknowingly, who also serve a hidden agenda.

One just needs to look at Newsgaurd's advisory board.


This concerted censorship is ruining businesses and lives.

"You've got websites and you've got people being taken down by what you've called technofascism, which is exactly what's going on," adds Vorhies. "These giant, powerful corporations that you know, no one has elected, they've appropriated the title of autocrat and there about deciding who gets to be seen on the internet, who gets to be ranked on the first page. And if you're not favorable to their interests then you fall back to where you're never seen again."

2. Restructuring: The Good 'Ol Revolving Door Trick

Big Corporations consider hiring from inside industries as simply snapping up valuable talent, but others call it the Revolving Door. Best to exclude the noises from the street.

On October 18th, Google appointed its first-ever chief health officer, Dr. Karen DeSalvo as the head of Google Health, a personal record service that will allow users to store and manage their healthcare information online.

DeSalvo worked in the Health and Human Services Department under former President Barack Obama between 2014 and 2016. The same organization looking into whether Google is guilty of any HIPPA violations.

Requests for an interview from DeSalvo have not been returned.

She will also be advising Verily, one of their biotech subsidiaries that focuses on the study of life sciences and potential future technologies.

Two years ago, Dr. Robert Califf, President Obama's last Food and Drug Administration commissioner joined Google biotech spinoff Verily Life Sciences.

According to Business Insider, Califf's nomination as head of FDA was opposed by then-Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who said Califf's ties to the pharmaceutical industry made him unfit to regulate the industry impartially.

In 2019, he was also given the responsibility of overseeing Google Health's strategy and policy team. But most of the mainstream press doesn't point out he was already working at Goolag.

In January 2018, Dr. David Feinberg, the former CEO of Geisinger Health System, breezed through, making the switch from the hospital world to the tech world.

"Feinberg has been working to coordinate health initiatives across Google properties such as Google Brain, Nest home automation, Google Fit, and the company's artificial intelligence business, Google DeepMind," writes Bussiness Insider. "In a huge breakthrough for AI, DeepMind announced earlier this year its technology could spot acute kidney disease two days before clinicians, although the application potential of the tech for diagnostics is likely years away."

Watch David Feinberg, who was brought on to strategize how to collate Google's fragmented health initiatives and smoothly move into the Googlnermous health care sector, discuss how cool it is to have A.I. make health predictions.

Both Califf and DeSalvo will begin their roles before the dawn of 2020.

In fact, CNBC just reported that Alphabet recently kicked off Alphabet Healthcare Workshop, a private two-day conference dedicated just to health. Just think soon these employees will be participating in scientific journals.

There is no question that if used benevolently, health data can help us optimize our biology and extend life. But given Big Pharma's track record and Google's abuse of power and sneaky and subversive attempts to control us, take over all aspects of our lives with artificial intelligence, Google for good seems unlikely.

"Google has a tremendous interest in health," agrees Epstein. "Now clearly you can turn information about people's health into money … It's not just that we might be induced to buy something. The fact is that the more the information they have about us and about our health, the more easily they can manipulate us."

As an aside, The Foreign Policy Journal just reported that the parliament of the Republic of Maldives passed a bill on November 14th, effectively outlawing the right to informed consent, one of the most fundamental ethics in medicine.

"The authoritarian bill is being euphemistically called the "Child Rights Protection Bill." The implicit underlying concept is that children have a "right" to receive certain pharmaceutical products and so parents cannot be allowed to choose for their children not to receive those risk-carrying products," writes Jeremy R. Hammond.



Convenience VS Privacy: A Brave New World

Imagine a world not so far away where Dr. Google (an algorithm let's not forget) is intimate with your biometrics, sleep patterns, past history, eating and behavioral habits, and purchases.

Dr. Google will be able to predict when you are going to have a heart attack or on the verge of a nervous breakdown. In turn, your job may threaten to fire you or your insurance rates may increase. Maybe you are no able to engage in the public square of life because you have an incurable disease or haven't been vaccinated with the flu shot. Maybe your fridge locks you out or like in 1984, like Winston you have to hide somewhere to get some privacy.

In order to be removed as an 'algorithmic health risk,' you'll be placed on a tailored treatment plan that involves popping prescription pills and/or shots. You likely won't know about natural remedies that can bring you back to health since many independent health sites are highly deranked, discredited, or dismissed from Google altogether.

"Google is now the world's largest monopoly, insulated from any government controls because of their clever manipulation of the federal regulatory agencies," says Dr. Mercola, arguably public enemy #1 when it comes to the attack on independent health sites/doctors who challenge the mainstream. He's felt Googliath's wrath. Despite being an actual doctor whose site precedes Google, he's lost 95% of his online traffic.

Watch Mercola's brilliant video below about all the reasons why the world needs a Google detox.


You can also go to Dr. Epstein's Mysevensimplesteps.com, to see how Dr.Epstein uses the internet and learn how you can protect yourselves and your families to some extent from the surveillance.

It is vital that we take measures to limit their influence in our life by avoiding their censoring search engines, browsers and Android phone operating systems by seeking alternatives."

We can band together and restore freedom of speech and find alternatives and freedom from our Googled existence.

De-Google if you will.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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