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The human body's entire metabolic process depends on one critical factor – the pH of the plasma fluids. The pH scale is very simple. The lower the readings on the pH scale are acidic and the higher readings are more alkaline. Through homeostasis, the body maintains a healthy plasma pH of 7.4. Although the pH of the body will fluctuate with meals, exercise, stress, hormones and sleep, a healthy and balanced saliva pH should be between 7.0 to 7.5.
A simple principle to apply concerning health and disease is that a low pH creates an environment conducive to disease and a higher, alkaline pH promotes health.
There are key factors that can create an acidic environment in the body:
- Eating acidic foods such as meats, dairy, sugar and refined grains
- Extreme physical exertion
- Emotional and mental stress
When the scales tip in favor of an acidic micro-environment, a domino effect is created. Toxins are not properly excreted which creates a favorable environment for pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and yeasts to thrive. Also, prolonged irritation of the cell membrane from environmental carcinogens blocks the intake of much needed oxygen. When the cell lacks oxygen it creates lactic acid and becomes acidic. This creates the perfect environment for cancer cells to develop and multiply.
Studies conducted at the University of Bari in Italy clearly demonstrated that a hallmark of all tumors, regardless of their origin or background, is their acidic environment. In fact, tumor progression increased with an acidic pH and hypoxia, or a low oxygen level.
Women that are on a chemotherapeutic regime should also be aware that their acidic pH may be adversely affecting the chemosensitivity of the breast cancer cells. A recent study conducted in China indicated that a key factor in drug resistance to chemotherapy was the acidic environment of the cancer cells.
Promising research conducted at the University of Arizona, department of Pharmacology supports the theory that alkalizing the body with baking soda holds promise as a natural treatment for breast cancer. Their research demonstrated that oral intake of baking soda (NaHCO3) selectively increased the pH of tumors and significantly reduced spread of metastatic breast cancer in mice. They concluded, "...the dramatic effect of bicarbonate therapy on the formation of Breast Cancer metastases in this model system warrants further investigation."
The equivalent intake of the baking soda solution for a human being weighing 154 pounds would be about 2.5 tsps. of baking soda per day. Since the stomach is very acidic in nature, drink the baking soda solution on an empty stomach. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of clean water. Adding the juice of an organic lemon improves the flavor.
The most accurate way to check your pH is to check it first thing in the morning, upon arising. Before you brush your teeth or drink water, spit on a pH strip and record the reading. Urinate in a small cup and measure the pH of the urine. Ideally, the pH of the saliva should be above 7 and the urine should be between 6.4 – 6.8.
Measuring your pH is a very simple way of monitoring the internal dynamics of your health on a cellular level. Being proactive with prevention will result in increased energy, vibrant health and peace of mind.
For Additional Research: Cancer-Acidosis Connection