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Frankly, there is a frightening coincidence glaring at us, right before our eyes. Obesity has become pandemic in the past 30 years, paralleling the use of genetic engineering, and increased pesticide use. More than 60% of Americans are overweight, and obesity has doubled in the past 20 years, globally. Our intestines may be colonized with new microbes, making us very sick. Something is seriously wrong here and has not been seen before.
It doesn't matter how much we wash an ear of corn. We're eating pesticides, chemicals, and new 'foods'. Some people truly believe, that the food source of today is the safest it has ever been. They embrace Genetically Modified (GM) food wholeheartedly, accept irradiation of food, and blindly stuff themselves with the latest food experiment....That is, the human food experiment.
Everyday, the average American is exposed to 10 to 13 different pesticides through food, beverages and drinking water. Nine of the 10 most common pesticides are endocrine-disrupting, which have been linked to weight gain.
Genetic engineering has produced bizarre toxins, and those toxins are in the GM food that we dish up. It has increased the level of allergens, altered the composition of protein and other nutrients, increasing the GM crop's absorption of pesticides and other chemicals.
A study in the International Journal of Obesity from researchers at 10 different universities, found that the use of hormones in factory meat production could be a possible contributor to the obesity epidemic. It is known that many toxins preferentially accumulate in fat cells. Fat-soluble pesticides are attracted to the fat stores in the body. In the United States, 88 percent of the corn, 93 percent of the canola, and 94 percent of the soybeans are genetically-modified, and are heavily sprayed with biocides such as glyphosate. So, when eating the tofu, or drinking the soy milk, think about what you're consuming.
Chillingly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. MSG has also been linked to obesity, and it is ubiquitous in sauces, and processed foods. Then there are the Pthalates (used in many plastics) also linked to obesity. Endocrine disrupting pharmaceuticals and meds have shown up in 'tap' water.
As the Washington Post reported in 2007: Researchers studied the effects of bisphenol A on estrogen function for more than a decade. "These in-utero effects are lifetime effects, and they occur at phenomenally small levels" of exposure, Vom Saal (researcher) said.
What can you do to dodge the bullet? Learn as much as you can. Eat 'grass fed' meat instead of corn fed. Use glass instead of plastic as often as possible. Avoid canned food unless it states BPA free. Eat yogurt or other food containing probiotics to help restore healthy intestinal flora. Suggest to your grocery store that you will only purchase real food that doesn't contain BPA, Pthalates, Hormones, Antibiotics, canola, etc. If we collectively stop buying what they are selling, the fat cats might loose weight.
GreenMedInfo: Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula?