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Fukushima is a worldwide disaster, one that will affect the health of people for decades and likely for generations to come. A fish with massive radiation was found near the plant. What were we told? We were assured that it showed no signs of deformity, but it's health was clearly devastated.

Murasoi Fish with Rays Added
by Heidi Stevenson
The Fukushima nuclear plant disaster isn't over. We are still in the early days of this ongoing disaster, and the worst effects are far from clear. To exemplify that fact, a type of rockfish called murasoi that's contaminated more than 2,500 times the legal amount of radiation has just been found near the plant.[1,2] It does make one wonder what's meant by a "legal" amount of radiation!

Radiation-Poisoned Murasoi Found Near Fukushima
Attempts are being made to assuage fears by claiming the fish wasn't deformed. But that doesn't mean it was healthy. Here's the TEPCO-provided photo of that fish. You can make up your own mind, but it looks far from healthy to me. I wonder if we'll ever hear anything about an internal examination of the fish?
The fact is that no one knows how to get Fukushima under control - and we're only beginning to see the damage that's already been done - because radiation harm can take years to become obvious.
Back to Chernobyl
It's generally believed that most of the danger from Chernobyl is past. That's far from true. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the US reports[3]:
Nearly 25 years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, exposure to radioactive iodine-131(I-131, a radioactive isotope) from fallout may be responsible for thyroid cancers that are still occurring among people who lived in the Chernobyl area and were children or adolescents at the time of the accident, researchers say.
Chernobyl was brought under control. Fukushima is still not under control. In fact, last year, Japan's former ambassador to Switzerland acknowledged that Fukushima is:
not under control at all... and the situation with nuclear reactors in Japan is like vehicles being driven without a license.[4]
The situation is even worse than that. The most optimistic estimates suggest that it will take a hundred years to bring the plant under control[5] and estimates run as high as Arnie Gundersen's 500 years[6]. Before anyone suggests that Gundersen is an unreliable source, consider that his observations about the disaster have consistently proven to be accurate[7].
Refugees Will Never Go Home
A few of Fukushima's refugees have returned home, but thousands will never be able to see their homes again. The hopeful estimate of Futaba's mayor is for return in 30 years. That hope is, sadly, not based on reality.
The people who lived in Fukushima's shadow are now traumatized again and again. They are treated as outcasts by the rest of Japan. The compensation sums offered by TEPCO are so meagre that they might provide for them for only three months[8,9] That doesn't even consider the loss of their homes and careers!
As stated by a farmer, Mamoru Narita, formerly of Koriyama:
I cultivated my rice field without using chemical fertilizers or pesticide, so that I could ensure food safety and do good to the environment. Now the entire environment has been tainted, and we get that amount of money? Should we farmers remain quiet about this?[8]
Children's Lives Devastated
Worst of all, though, is the health of children.
According to Dr. Suzuki, the rate of thyroid cysts and nodules in children affected by Fukushima is 43.7%—approaching half [10,11]. This is 20 times higher than associated with Chernobyl![12,13] There is no reason to expect that to decrease. The radiation, as clearly documented by the massively radiated fish discussed above, is still increasing.
International Coverup
Of course, governments all over the world—not just Japan—are covering it up. In Japan, mothers are told their children's thyroid tests were normal. However, when they've not believed it and have gone on to get second opinions, they're fears have been confirmed[14]. The radiation badges of children found to have abnormalities have been removed to hide the degree of exposure[15].
Governmental agencies the world over have been hiding the degree of Fukushima's devastation. If the purpose were simply to prevent mass panic, it might be understandable. But that has nothing to do with it. The reasons are purely for the benefit corporate nuclear power interests.
It's now nearly two years since the Fukushima disaster became known. Almost immediately, the powers-that-be moved to cover up the extent of devastation. It wasn't until facts could no longer be denied that any true information was disseminated. It was known from the beginning that this would not be readily resolved. It was known from the beginning that the containment structures had been breached. It was known from the beginning that the spent radioactive rods were at risk. It was known very early that there had been a meltdown. We were told otherwise.
Almost every government lied to us about it. Agencies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told us it was under control. It wasn't. They postured as a nuclear watchdog. They never were. The IAEA exists to promote the nuclear industry. In no sense does it exist to protect people from that industry's depredations.
Take a look at their website:
This image is cropped from their website's main page. Their industry induces cancer, yet they're presenting themselves as cancer fighters! How many of the people who lived around Fukushima will die and suffer from cancer induced by its radiation? How many of those 43.7% of the Fukushima children with already-damaged thyroids will die of cancer or suffer from thyroid dysfunction?
Yet the IAEA presents itself as a cancer fighter. It's utterly disgusting. One wonders how they live with themselves.
But it doesn't stop there. The World Health Organization (WHO), which presents itself as an agency for people's health the world over, but has been well documented to have ties to Big Pharma[22,23], is claiming that there will be little or no increase in cancer as a result of Fukushima[17].
It's a blatant lie, one easily shown to be false by the well-known cancer that followed the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs for decades. It's easily shown by the highest spike in cancer ever known, which occurred around Chernobyl[18]—and continues to this day, 25 years later![3]
A Worldwide Disaster
Fukushima didn't happen just to Japan. It happened to the entire world, and it continues to happen.
In the United States, the death rate increased by 4.46% over the same period in the previous year during the weeks after the radiation cloud passed over[19].
Fish off the coast of California are now being found contaminated with radiation that came from Fukushima[20].
It was only in 2010 that Scottish sheep were declared free of Chernobyl's radioactivity[21]. As documented here, Chernobyl was nowhere near the disaster that Fukushima is. Clearly, this is a worldwide disaster, one that will affect the health of people for decades and likely for generations to come.
- Fish with radiation over 2,500 times safe levels found near Fukushima plant
- Fish caught near crippled Japanese N-plant with 2,500 times the legal limit of radioactivity for human consumption
- Higher cancer risk continues after Chernobyl
- Fukushima Reactor Global Security Issue: Japanese Former Diplomat
- The 100-year battle to make Fukushima safe: Grim prediction as brave workers expect to 'die within weeks'
- Fukushima nuclear situation 'deteriorating'
- More Lessons From the Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Containment Failures and the Loss of the Ultimate Heat Sink
- Fukushima refugees still in limbo one year on
- Hopes of Home Fade Among Japan's Displaced
- White Paper: Fukushima Health Survey Occupies Medical & Legal Conundrum
- Fukushima Thyroid Examination Part 2
- Thyroid nodules rate in Fukushima is 20 time higher than in Chernobyl
- Urinary Comparison Iodine between Levels and Thyroid Nagasaki Diseases and Chernobyl in Children
- The mothers and their children (part 2 of 6)
- "Astonishing": Thyroid abnormalities found in Fukushima kids declared 'ok' by gov't — Officials ordered doctors to stop examining patients
- What Do You Know About Cancer?
- WHO forecasts no significant increase in cancer patients in Fukushima
- Chernobyl's cancer world record
- An Unexpected Mortality Increase in the United States, Follows Arrival of the Radioactive Plume from Fukushima: Is There a Correlation?
- Fukushima radiation seen in tuna off California
- Scottish sheep farms finally free of Chernobyl fallout
- Report condemns swine flu experts' ties to big pharma
- WHO Advisor Secretly Pads Pockets with Big Pharma Money
- Fukushima: It's much worse than you think